UEE Space Rescue and Recovery Service / SRRS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Engineering

SRRS pilots and evarescue™, are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in humanitarian and combat
environments. We will collect and provide limited aid to any stranded pilots as well as recover
and tow any disabled ship to the closest safe destination.



“It is my duty as a Evarescueman to save lives and to aid the injured. I will be prepared at all times to perform my assigned duties quickly and efficiently, placing these duties before personal desires and comforts. These things I do, that others may live.”

[‘Evarescue’, ‘evarescueman’ and ‘Space Rescue and Recovery Service’ are Service Marks of SRRS, pending registration, 2014]


We do not discriminate based upon race, creed, citizenship, or legal status. We do not care if you are a pirate, an outlaw, or an enemy combatant of the UEE. We are a life saving organization, NOT law enforcement.

We will rescue stranded pilots and tow disabled ships regardless, so long as the parties in distress are not hostile towards our recovery ships.

While originally chartered by the U.E.E. to provide these general life safety services, SRRS pilots are independent and NOT officially affiliated with any military or law enforcement branch and are not considered representatives of the UEE while on duty with the SRRS.

Disclaimer: We are primarily non-combatants. We are here solely to rescue and will never attack anyone, even if they are in combat with UEE forces. However, if SRRS ships or those being rescued by us are attacked we will act to defend ourselves and protect those under our care.

[‘Evarescue’, ‘evarescueman’ and ‘Space Rescue and Recovery Service’ are Service Marks of SRRS, pending registration, 2014]



SRRS pilots and evarescue are tasked with recovery and medical treatment of personnel in humanitarian and combat environments. We will collect and provide limited aid to any stranded pilots as well as recover and tow any disabled ship to the closest safe destination. [Primary focus: Life Safety/pilot rescue | Secondary focus: Equipment recovery/ship salvage]


We hope to be the leading group in the SAR field. In this regard, we are more than “just an org”. We’re both an Organization and an Association or standards body. We want to set the bar, developing and maintaining the professional technical standards in the Space Search & Rescue field. Individuals can be a primary member (SRRS as their org) or associate (belonging to another org, but flying SAR missions “under our banner”). The later, signifies the ship performing a rescue follows our higher standards and code of conduct and is neutral for the duration of the operation.


The one thing that truly sets us apart is our neutrality. Meaning that as we focus on saving lives we will help anyone, even pirates/criminals/enemies of the UEE. While we are “the good guys”, we help all. With this stance, we also hope that most syndicates aware of our reputation will grant us safe passage and not target our vessels.


We welcome both pilots/captains and crew members. Evarescue Crewmen are highly trained and perform a variety of duties ranging from on-board support functions (providing medical aid to survivors, acting as ship security, or assisting as co-pilot/sensor operator) to performing Extra-Vehicular Activity (spacesuit rescues).


We are primarily non-combatants. We are here solely to rescue and will never attack anyone, even if they are in combat with UEE forces. However, if SRRS ships or those being rescued by us are attacked we reserve the right to act by defending ourselves and to protecting those under our care.


As we require funding to sustain operations, we must charge a fee to cover costs of fuel, manpower and equipment repair/upkeep for each rescue made. The current going rate is 10% of the base value of the ship, however we are open to negotiations or trade in lieu of the standard charge. This rate is subject to change. A tiered system based upon risk/danger to our pilots is also being examined as well as contracts to provide SAR services for specific organizations at set reduced rates.

If it is found that an individual cannot pay or afford the services rendered, ejected pilots will still be collected/transported and disabled ships towed to the closest safe haven. However, they will simply forfeit any and all salvage or cargo that was recovered by our pilots.


Our dedicated pilots and crew are all volunteer. “We do these things, that others may live”. However, as a small gesture for the self-sacrifice and risk our members take, our personnel will keep any awards or premiums from insurance policies for recovered ships and rescued pilots.

[‘Evarescue’, ‘evarescueman’ and ‘Space Rescue and Recovery Service’ are Service Marks of SRRS, pending registration, 2014]