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Sunshine Born / SSBRN

  • Faith
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Freelancing

SSBRN: Sunshine Born
Combining faith and paramilitary expertise, we protect the cosmic realm from any threat.
Join us as we illuminate the celestial realm with unwavering dedication.
May the stars guide and protect us all.


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Our Declaration of Service: Illuminating the Universe through Faith and unmatched military strength.

In the radiant expanse of the cosmos, we, the devoted members of Sunshine Born, stand unwavering in our commitment to serve as beacons of light, protectors of the celestial realm, and guardians to the citizens of the universe.

United by our deep-rooted faith, we embrace a profound understanding that the metaphysical and physical realms are intertwined. With unwavering devotion, we combine the enlightenment of our beliefs with unmatched military strategy to ensure the harmony and safety of all who traverse the cosmic tapestry.

Our service to the citizens of the universe transcends mere duty. It is a sacred calling, an embodiment of compassion, and an unwavering dedication to the greater good. We extend our arms to provide solace, guidance, and protection to all who seek refuge amidst the vastness of space.

Embracing the tenets of our faith, we navigate the celestial expanse with unwavering conviction, guided by the radiance of our shared beliefs. Our military strategies are honed to perfection, crafted through tireless training, strategic brilliance, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

With state-of-the-art technology, we are equipped to defend against any threat that may encroach upon the sanctity of the cosmic realm. Our unmatched military prowess ensures that the citizens of the universe find relief in our presence, knowing that we are their stalwart protectors, standing firm against adversity.

We pledge to uphold the highest standards of integrity, unity, and unwavering devotion to our faith and our contracts. Our commitment to service encompasses not only the physical protection of our constituents but also the nurturing of their spiritual well-being.

As we navigate the Jump points of our galaxy, we reach out to fellow explorers, lending our support and guidance to ensure their safe passage and enlightenment. Through our actions, we illuminate the universe with the radiance of Sunshine Born, offering hope, compassion, and the unwavering shield of protection.

To the citizens of the universe, we extend our hands and hearts, promising to serve you with dedication. With faith as our guiding light and unmatched military strategies as our shield, we stand as the vanguard of security and enlightenment.

Together, let us forge a future where the citizens of the universe can thrive, explore, and evolve, secure in the knowledge that Sunshine Born stands as a resolute protector, illuminating the path to a harmonious and enlightened existence.

May the celestial forces guide and bless our endeavors as we fulfill our sacred duty to serve the citizens of the universe.


Charter of Sunshine Born: Guided by Faith, Unity, and Cosmic Stewardship

Article I: Purpose and Vision

1. Sunshine Born, hereafter referred to as “The Order,” is founded upon the principles of faith, unity, and cosmic stewardship.

2. The Order’s purpose is to illuminate the path of enlightenment, provide protection, and safeguard the celestial realm for the benefit of all.

Article II: Beliefs and Doctrine

1. The Order embraces a spiritual doctrine rooted in the pursuit of inner enlightenment and the harmony between the physical and metaphysical realms.

2. Our beliefs emphasize compassion, unity, and reverence for the cosmic wonders that surround us.

3. We respect and celebrate the diversity of individual faiths and encourage open dialogue and mutual understanding.

Article III: Unity and Community

1. The Order fosters a sense of unity and inclusivity among its members, regardless of background, race, gender, or origin.

2. We promote a culture of respect, cooperation, and shared purpose within our community.

3. Members are encouraged to actively engage in the collective growth, support, and well-being of one another.

Article IV: Cosmic Stewardship

1. The Order recognizes its responsibility to serve as guardians and stewards of the celestial realm.

2. We undertake the duty to protect against threats to cosmic equilibrium, such as rogue asteroids, hostile forces, or disruptive influences.

3. Our commitment extends to providing assistance, aid, and guidance to spacefaring explorers in need.

Article V: Military Strategies and Preparedness

1. The Order maintains a paramilitary wing, equipped with advanced technology, strategic brilliance, and relentless training.

2. Our military strategies are honed to perfection, ensuring the efficient defense and safeguarding of the celestial frontier.

3. Preparedness and continuous improvement are key principles guiding our military endeavors.

Article VI: Education and Enlightenment

1. The Order is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge, spiritual enlightenment, and the sharing of wisdom.

2. We provide educational resources, mentorship programs, and guidance to facilitate personal growth and the understanding of cosmic mysteries.

3. Members are encouraged to explore and expand their understanding of the cosmos, contributing to the collective wisdom of the Order.

Article VII: Outreach and Diplomacy

1. The Order seeks to foster positive relationships with other spacefaring factions, organizations, and civilizations.

2. We engage in diplomatic efforts to promote peace, cooperation, and the exchange of knowledge.

3. Outreach initiatives are undertaken to extend our aid, support, and enlightenment to those in need beyond our ranks.

Article VIII: Leadership and Governance

1. The Order operates under a democratic leadership structure, guided by a council of respected members.

2. Leadership positions are earned through merit, wisdom, and a demonstrated commitment to the Order’s principles.

3. Decision-making processes are transparent, inclusive, and designed to serve the best interests of the Order and its members.

This charter serves as the foundation of Sunshine Born, guiding our actions, shaping our purpose, and fostering our unity. Together, we embark on a sacred journey, dedicated to illuminating the path of enlightenment, protecting the cosmic realm, and embracing our role as stewards of the celestial frontier. May our faith, unity, and cosmic stewardship guide us in all our endeavors.