Synergy Survey & Design Inc. / SSDI

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Welcome to the official Spectrum channel of Synergy Survey & Design Inc
Please feel free to browse our corporate information, and don’t forget to visit our Recruitment section for company career opportunities.

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Synergy Survey & Design Inc. (SSDI) is a newly restructured company based within UEE space. The company was recently bought in 2944 by the Victoria family of Terra. The new appointed CEO of the company is the youngest daughter of direct lineage to one of the families most famous founding sons. The company has been refashioned towards two main divisions; engineering and resource collection. Synergy Survey & Design Inc., however, is looking to expand into many different economic sectors both in and out of UEE space. Below are some of areas that we are currently expanding into. No matter if you fit into these categories or not, there is a place in SSDI for you. A wealth of opportunity awaits among the many different careers that you can pursue in our corporation. Join SSDI and pursue you dreams.

Industry, the creation of products from r​​aw materials, is a fantastic career choice in our corporation. Create products, sell them on the market or trade them for other products. Help us build an empire that will last the test of time.

“By means of industry and perseverance you will rise higher and higher.”
― Robert Schumann

Mining is one of the most essential careers that one can pursue in space. Though many regard mining as a sub-optimal task, mining is in-fact one of the most rewarding careers in the UEE. A miner has the ability to both create and destroy empires and shape the future of the world around them.

“Mining is like a search-and-destroy mission.​​​​​​​​​​​”
―Stewart Udall

Exploration is a very lucrative career in a corporation or on your own. Though a more dedicated role, exploration is one of the most exciting careers a pilot can pursue. From planets to old wrecks, go to where you heart desires and bring home untold fortunes.

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.​​​​​​​​​​​”
―T. S. Eliot

The military arm of a corporation is an essential part of its overall success. Though brute strength is an important part of military strength; tactical ships are most often the key to battle. Weather or not you want to use brute strength or tactical play, join SSDI and refine your skills.

“Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter.”​​​​​​​​​​
― Winston Churchill

(Please note that this page is still under some work, so not everything is as it should be. Thank you for your patience.)


SSDI’s Vision is help build a better tomorrow through long term sustainable manufacturing techniques, advanced R&D and various other mediums. SSDI plans to do this by:
​ •Teaching and using 30th Century techniques designed to foster problem solving skills, creative and critical thinking, and sustainable and responsible business practices for the 31st century and beyond
​ •Instilling in each member and affiliate the value of education, individualism and character
​ •Leading by example not just in exploration and engineering but in all aspects of the companies’ portfolio
​ •Implement strategies necessary to create a sustainable and flexible corporation able to adapt to an ever changing and evolving universe

SSDI’s mission is to become a galaxy leader through sustainability, creativity and individuality to not only create a company of the future but also create a new better universe of tomorrow.


Synergy Survey & Design Inc. has a very simple philosophy behind its company policies. These three basic beliefs that are the fundamental core of SSDI are; Respect for the individual, Foster an environment of creativity and growth and Excellent customer service.