Shade Striders / SSPO

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Security

Shade Striders Private Organisation understands that certain jobs require certain types of people

Omnis vivere, aliqui ascendo
All live, some ascend

Contact Beeberrie if you require our services.


Brevis Historia

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Omnis vivere, aliqui ascendo
All live, some ascend

The Shade Striders have come to the conclusion that light cannot exist without dark, and good without evil. There must always be an opposing force one way or another, a duality to existence.
They understand that negativity and the shadier side of reality are just as valid of experiences as the light and positive, and must be experienced in some way or another for reality to exist at all. And so, stripped of the limits of morailty they have chosen to go down the darker path, where they have found their freedom in the shade.

Goals of Shade Striders
The Shade Striders aim to live freely, achieving wealth by more creative means than the UEE would like you to partake in. Whether that comes to; piracy, distribution of narcotics, assassination contracts, PMC work, or simply being hired Mercenaries or Privateers. As long as the job pays, they will accept it.

Members of the Shade Striders are encouraged to follow what they deem enjoyable professions, as long as it does not involve impeding on the freedoms of other Shade Striders as well as ultimately benefiting themselves and the organization as a whole.
They also desire to remain secretive and as hidden from any Advocacy and Corporate security as possible, it is not their wish to end up on the inside of a Klescher Rehabilitation Facility.


Magna Carta Libertatum

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