Space Transport Assault And Retrieval Specialists / STAARS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Welcome to STAARS,

We are a multi faceted combined forces organization.

we specialize in;


Ground operations,

Space operations,

Mining operations,

Retrieval operations,

Combined Operations

& protection Operations.

No matter your passion there is room in STAARS!


The story of STAARS starts with the coming together of 3 different industries for their mutual benefit. The inception of the organization came from the need for a combined arms and cooperation in the Stanton system. The failures of the UEE to control the rampant piracy, rival organizations, and rogue PMC’S for hire. This has created the need for the transport industry to seek help from the many Pilots looking for work. The retrieval department was a necessary evil needed for the recovery lost and stranded crew as well as recover cargo from crashed, stolen and otherwise lost ships. Formed in 2952 on the corporate-owned planet of Microtech, headquartered in the capital city of New Babbage, it is a collection of like-minded individuals pursuing maximum profit.


The reason for the existence of the organization is to bring good pilots together with transport captains to mutually profit from the trade industries.

Our goal is to never lose a shipment. This drives us to move in convoys and fleets when ever possible, building our power in the system.

Part of our success is Because of our dedicated ground teams that specialize in guarding our ships, landing zones and bases of operation.

When we push out into the frontier we will establish a trading network linking systems together; the protection of this will bring vast profit.

This transport network will support our mining division to export their products in safety to make maximum profit.

The funds will power our ground assault teams to take out rival factions and spread out influence.


The Tennent ’s of STAARS are as follows.

If in trouble call on STAARS. ——— Try and work within the organization.

Travel in groups when possible. ———- Do not negotiate with pirates

Work with other org members. ——- Teamwork helps everyone.

New recruits are Always welcome. —— Division heads are here to help.

Always pay your debt

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