Starborne / STARBORNE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Resources

We are not a corporation. We are not a military. We are a union. Our structure consists of autonomous ships crewed and managed by their individual captains. We’re not here to command you, your ship or your crew. We are a network of Captains all seeking to make our own way.



Every captain knows that word. It’s an ugly word. A four letter word. Antithesis to our favorite word; Profit.

In the end it’s all about expenses and profits. So we’re all about supply and demand.

This organization is all about making connections. We connect you with those who can supply your demand, and then connect you to whom demand your supply. Every ship, & every Captain, that joins this organization increases our supply and adds their own demand.

The goal of course is to grow large and versatile enough to cover and reduce all of our expenses in order to grow our profit. So join the network of Captains today. Cut your costs, your downtime, and your expenses. It’s time to get to work.


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Fleet Policy:
This policy will act as the foundation of Rules and Rights of the fleet. Changes to these policies will require no less then 3/5ths Captain’s Vote, With no less then 30 Captain votes.
Policy and Guidelines
P&G 1: All Fleet members and ships always have the right to leave the Fleet at any time
P&G 2: A Captain’s Authority aboard your own ship is Absolute and not subject to any authority laid out within these Policies. Any policy below P&G 2 with the Capitalized keyword: SHOULD, is a suggestion that can not be enforced in conflict with P&G 2 at the Captain rank level.
P&G 3: All Fleet members will always have the right to Free Speech. However care SHOULD be taken to not negatively affect or implicate the Fleet or other ships.
P&G 4: A Captains business with Ship and Crew are His/Her own business. However activities SHOULD not negatively affect or implicate the Fleet or other ships.
P&G 5: An Officer transferring ship crews SHOULD always transfer with existing rank or one rank below.
P&G 6: Official Notices must be posted through officially recognized means (Disord location:
P&G 7: A grievance system will be clearly established and available both In Character and Out of Character to any member of the Fleet regardless of rank to be handled by the Admiral’s Office. (See: Grievances)
P&G 8: The fleet SHOULD always conduct themselves in a manner that positively reflects upon the public image of the Fleet.
Ranks: Ship Ranks are set at the commanding Captains discretion and recognized throughout the Fleet.
The Admiral rank is currently reserved until a worthy candidate appears. The Admiral is tasked with the general image, prosperity and administration of the Fleet. The Admiral will be called upon to settle minor disputes within the fleet between Fleet Captains. This position requires great dedication to the administration of the Fleet and Policies. The Admiral may be impeached with no less then a 3/5ths vote among all Council status Captains and Commanders. Admiral elections require a majority vote among ship Captains. An Admiral election Vote can not occur without (30) days prior posted notice. Admiral impeachment requires at least (7) days prior posted notice and the vote must be Sponsored by no less then 10 Council status Captains. The Admiral may create and utilize as many Aide or Assistant positions as necessary for recruiting, administration and execution of duties. The Admiral and staff enjoy the following privileges and responsibilities: Recruiting*+, Fleet public relations, fleet prosperity, Officer only communications, Policy enforcement and settling minor disputes between ship Captains.

Captains are the primary governing body withing the Fleet. Captains are fully responsible for the command, operation, staffing and ranking of your own ships. New Captains join under a 30 day Probationary period before being fully made members of the Council of Captains. A Captain’s Authority aboard your own ship is Absolute and not subject to any authority laid out within these Policies. All Captains have full access to Officer only communications and recruitment and ranking aboard your own ship. Council status Captains have the following additional authorities and responsibilities: Recruiting*, Shipboard promotions/demotions, & Fleet Voting.

Commanders are the second in command aboard a ship (or First Officer). Commanders have the ability to temporarily assume ship command and act as Interim Captain with your ship’s Captain’s prior posted notice. Commanders are entitled to the following authorities and responsibilities: Officer only communications, Recruiting*, Shipboard promotions/demotions below your rank, & special circumstance voting.

Lieutenant Commander:
Lieutenant Commander is the third highest ranking officer aboard a ship. Your ship roles are assigned and revoked entirely at the discretion of your commanding Officers and are not impinged upon by these general Policies. Your authorities and responsibilities include (But not limited to**): Officer only communications & Shipboard promotions**, demotions** & recruiting**.

Lieutenant is the lowest rank of Fleet Officer. Your ship roles are assigned and revoked entirely at the discretion of your commanding Officers and are not impinged upon by these general Policies. Your authorities and responsibilities include (But not limited to**): Officer only communications & Shipboard promotions**, demotions** & recruiting**.

Ensigns are the general rank of crew within the Fleet. You are the backbone of every ship and our Fleet! Your ship roles are assigned and revoked entirely at the discretion of your commanding Officers and are not impinged upon by these general Policies. Your authorities and responsibilities include (But not limited to): General Fleet communications.

Cadet’s are members who are not yet employed within a ship. Your position within the Fleet is best described as “Unemployed”. Cadets should always be actively seeking an opportunity to work aboard a ship. Promotion to Ensign is automatically applied once you join a ship’s crew. Cadets are encouraged to spend their time honing skills and making themselves more employable and desirable. Cadet’s enjoy the privilege of general Fleet communications.
Captains and Commanders are free to recruit and promote within your own ship. Cadets can be recruited by any fleet officer (Rank Lieutenant and above**). Potential Captains seeking membership may be recruited by any Council status Captain willing to vouch and Sponsor their membership. Commanders** may vouch for a potential Captain and request their sponsorship. Once an existing Council status Captain agrees to sponsor membership they may begin their probationary period. Council status Captains should only have one sponsored Captain undergoing 30 day probation at a time. Any Potential Captain applicant may submit an application to be reviewed and approved by the Admiral or their staff at their discretion.

+Admirals and assistants (tasked with recruiting) may freely recruit to your own discretion and policies.
**At the discretion of your Captain/Commander
Discipline and Enforcement
All disciplinary actions (up to and including revocation of membership) below Captain rank should be brought to the attention of and handled by the offender’s Commanding Officer. If action or lack there of is seen to be lacking or not effective then please elevate this situation to the Admiral’s Office.
In the case where the offender is a Captain, The Admiral will handle complaints and disciplinary actions.
A Captain, ship, and crew can only be ejected from the Fleet at the Admiral’s discretion with petitioned support of no fewer then 5 Council status captains. If any Council status Captain wishes to appeal this decision within (14) days then they may appeal the decision. To appeal this decision they must gain the petitioned support of 10 Council status Captains and post prior notice (14) days before a majority vote can be held.
Shipboard grievances in game should be directed to your ship Captain.
At all times there must be a designated member of the Admiral’s staff to handle all other Fleet Grievances. These grievances may be either in character or out of character.
-In Character Grievances:
In case of conflict within the Fleet, The matter can be brought to the Admiral’s Office by any party for ruling. Any affected party has the right to appeal the resulting decision.
The Appeals process:
If the decision was made by an assigned member of the Admiral’s Office, an affected party of said decision may appeal the decision directly to the Admiral within (7) days with the petitioned support of at least 3 other Council status Captains.
If an affected party of said decision wishes to elevate the appeal to a Council vote they must again have the petitioned support of no less then 10 other Council status Captains within an additional (7) days of the new decision. This Council vote requires at least (14) days of prior posted notice and a majority vote.
-Out of Character Grievances:
…will be handled by a designated Grievance Representative within the Admiral’s Office. It follows the same appeal process as In Character Grievances, however, at any point any party may elevate the situation to CGI Customer Support in which official consequences outside of the Fleets control may result.