Star Cavalry / STARCAV

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Star Cavalry is established as a table where Fleet Masters may gather.
To raise a glass in times of Peace,
Or summon allies in times of Strife.
We collect no tithes, nor ask no dues,
All we seek is for those of strong moral character to stand together against brigands of inequity and the dark hosts.


We’re coming for you.
If you’re pinned by enemy fire praying for air support,
If you’re a ne’er-do-well over due a date with Justice,
If you’re twiddling your thumbs on that cold and lonely moon,
If you’re on the drift and out of fuel,
Star Cav is coming for you.

Star Cav isn’t much of a secret, just a story not often told;
There used to be a handful of guys bound together under a tattered banner, claiming they’d Rise Again.
Time went on as time tends to do, and that tattered old banner was laid to rest as those who rallied beneath it found new missions and masters.

Thing is, the old mission still needs doing. The folks we vowed to protect still call out across the Black.
And so it came time for a new band of brothers to step up. Rough Riders of a new era who would step off at a moment’s notice.
We ride hard because those who call on us don’t have time to wait.

Star Cavalry; We’re coming for you!


Let’s open with something familiar; We are still a ragtag retinue of riffraff and rabble who have come together from a larger community for camaraderie and the sheer joy of the game.
That’s not an oath, but an affirmation. It means you won’t find blue blooded armchair admirals
or fast talking televangelists. No celebrities or nobility either.
We’re all just common folk.
We are pub crawlers and merchant trawlers. We are miners and medics and mechanics and middlemen.
We are here for the company. The drinking songs and the inside jokes.
We are here for the game. The Min/Maxxers and Completionists, the RPers and Altoholics.
Even that guy who’s just here for the storyline. It’s a party and everyone’s invited.
We are here to celebrate our victories and ridicule our defeats.
We are The Star Cavalry and wherever you are, whatever you need, we are coming for you!


Star Cavalry Code

This document is drafted with the intent of establishing our regulations and guidelines for public knowledge and referral. It is meant to be a code of conduct our members are obligated to take up. To bind us as comrades and allies. To become a singular answer to the question, ‘What makes a Star Cav Trooper?’.

Our mission statement remains unchanged; We are still a ragtag retinue of riffraff and rabble who have come together from a larger community for camaraderie and the sheer joy of the game. This includes the Troopers who ride under our guidon and our network of allies.

We are first defined by our gaming community; a community that is vast and fractious. What follows is the roughest simplification.
*Troopers: Those dedicated first and foremost to our own ranks. All members holding the rank of ShaveTail or higher.
*Independents: Those not dedicated exclusively to the Star Cav but known to be allies. These may be members and liaisons in other organizations or freelance players as well as those applying for formal membership and rank within the Cav.
*Players: Those of the expansive host unknown to us, those friendly or ambivalent, and those known to be passively and aggressively hostile, lone players and organizations alike.

We are defined second by our expectations. These are few in number but they are the keystones under which our policies are sheltered. They are simple truths of respect and nothing more.
*As a collection of individuals, we must understand and accept that our personal vision will differ, sometimes drastically, from that of the Troopers to our left and right, our allied Independents, and our fellow Players. We must be willing to tolerate these differing views even if only so far as to accept they are the views of another.
*As a collection of adults, we understand that Reality is an unrelenting tyrant and many of us come into this fold seeking temporary relief. We understand that friends and family will easily trump online play and that the unpredictable weft and weave of life may keep any of us away for days or even months without warning or excuse.

And we are defined by our policies. These are guidelines I hope we can embrace as a whole. As with any set of guidelines, some will be of greater import and impact than others. Some may not mesh well with your vision of play or the circumstances you find yourself in. But bear them in mind.
*Griefing: We are not going to tolerate griefing. This does not mandate a war against griefers, but our members, Troopers, Independents, nor their guests will not engage in this behavior. If it is seen, it will be shut down. If it does not stop, those responsible will be disassociated and Black Listed.

*Rank: Our rank structure and promotion policies are based on merit and desire. Promotions will be offered to those interested in and able to take on the responsibilities. No rank is permanent. Abuse of your authority or position or the marked failure to perform assigned tasks will result in the position being rescinded and offered to another. If you feel you cannot perform the duties for any reason, you are free to resign those duties and nominate a replacement for consideration. Stepping down from a position will not disbar you from future promotions should you ever wish to resume your post but you will have to wait for a position to open.

*Chain of Command; It is the Chain That Binds. Top to bottom and all between.
-Independents: Our liaisons, freelancers, applicants and guests.
-ShaveTail: Our newest members, those still learning the game and often in need of a helping hand.
-Trooper: Our tested and proven. If there’s a task that needs doing, there’s a Trooper ready to get it done.
-Senior Trooper: They’ve been there and done that. Proven reliable and dedicated time and again, these members are the backbone of the Cav.
-Troop Leader: The buck stops here. Any question, every problem. The title says it all.

-Officer Grades: Structured into several tiers intended for use in large formation organization and communication streamlining. Also bragging rights. Outside of convoy movements and mutually engaged role play, Officer Grades are entirely optional.
-For more details, look into In-Formation Information which can be found easily on our Guilded page.

*Alliances; Our alliances will be respected. If you must operate at cross-purposes or even against the Star Cavalry or our allies, do not fly our colors. All alliance proposals will be made public before they are accepted to give Troopers and Liaisons time to voice concerns or disagreements. If you disagree with a standing alliance, you are encouraged to voice your concerns in a reasonable manner. Because it is standing does not mean it will be permanent and sufficient concerns will prompt a dissolution between organizations.

*Communication; While we do not currently host younger players, many of us have young children nearby. Language should be self-monitored but the use of headphones is advised as a secondary barrier. When operating as part of a group, be aware of when the group is on-mission and try to limit radio chatter to relevant information. This is more important in large scale deployments where communication is valuable, if not vital.

*Complaints Management; If you come to any member of leadership with a complaint, the first step will be to verify it as a formal complaint. All members along the Chain of Command will listen to and assist in placating any mundane or informal complaints or disagreements in a quiet and discreet manner.
Formal complaints will be acted upon immediately, less quietly, and alerts will be sent to other relevant leadership. This means that only a single formal complaint will result in members being informed as directly possible. It should not be viewed as an accusation or a majority view. It is no more than a report that one person was bothered enough to involve others. Measures will be taken to ease or eliminate the tensions, but formal complaints should be reserved for serious offenses or problems to which you desire a great deal of attention. Unless permission is given, names will be withheld. All formal complaints will be catalogued and tracked by Senior Troop Leaders.