• Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Exploration

Linking the star systems across the UEE


Starlink was established in 2014 as an information transportation and storage service. In the beginning, the corporation used network resources to gather and store mostly bulk, non-sensitive information. There were many internet-based companies that needed their data backed-up on a regular basis. Starlink rode this demand to record profits and unprecedented growth in its sector, and this is where the founders of StarLink discovered the price and power of the information it controlled. The company started to attract the attention of various governments around the planet from the type of information they were handling and its applications in predictive and preventative programming.

The corporation grew steadily over the coming years, expanding their small data courier service into most areas of transportation whilst keeping a clean, professional, and discreet image. As mankind spread throughout the universe, StarLink maintained the lifeline of vital supplies and data to the off world terraforming colonies. It wasn’t too uncommon for StarLink to receive diverse transportation contracts that needed to be kept quiet, and it was these contracts that opened the eyes of the corporation to the more specialized areas of logistical strategies.

And this is where we are today; a small yet effective transportation corporation connecting the star systems across the UEE.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Company Name: StarLink

StarLink is a profitable corporation

Business Objectives:

The main objective is to understand the importance of correct logistics and transport management for intergalactic trade and transportation, honouring our customers privacy and loyalty privileges, no job is too small or too distant. We work within the laws of UEE and the boundaries of the persistent universe, our word is our guarantee, our dedication is our promise, your dead line is our commitment.

Our prices are dependent on delivery location and pirate activity.

StarLink has many areas of expertise and is dedicated to the contract, prices are non-negotiable and paid 50% upfront and 50% on delivery for existing customers, new customers are expected to pay in full before the contract is deemed valid.
Information that is acquired or found / discovered by any member of StarLink Corporation is the property of StarLink Corporation and are liable to royalty fees upon its sale or usage, such information will be sold to the highest bidder, we will under no circumstances sell information to anyone that’s intention is to purposely harm or mane anyone within the UEE.

Our trade routes will be protected by our own security enforcement teams, who will protect the shipment / contract at all costs, they are a dedicated team of x-military professionals who take great pleasure in denying pirates and raiders of their prize.

We have a team of explorers that search the persistent universe for salvage and new systems, all discoveries will be shared at the discretion of StarLink Corporations for a price.
We also have a very professional team of debt collectors otherwise known as Bounty Hunters, if you fail to pay your dues then we will accept your head as fair payment with no refunds, or any assets you may own we will deem as payment in full. StarLink has never had to use this resource with any of our customers and we would like to keep it that way, but we do sub-contract out our Bounty Hunters and final negotiations are dealt with by the Bounty Hunter and not directly through StarLink’s business channels.



Executive Manager Of Security:

Tsume Eiranis

Logistics Consultant:


Executive Manager Of Information:


Executive Manager Of Salvage Operations:


Executive Manager Of Bounty Hunters / Debt Collecting:

Lucas The Bounty Hunter

Executive Manager Of Space Explorations

Jedi Mech Warrior

Executive Manager Of Human Resources (Recruiting Officer)


Manager Of Public Relations


Executive Manager Of Mining Operations