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Lost in the Stars / STARLOST

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Lost in the Stars is a family owned transportation business formed in 2951 based in the Stanton system.



The Noisette cousins got their commercial space pilot’s licenses and took off from MicroTech hoping that working as independent transport pilots would free them of the restrictions of life in a mega-corporation.


The Noisette cousins formed their own company, Lost in the Stars, to pool their resources and support each-other.


Living under the rule of a mega corporation offers little opportunity for advancement or self betterment without a powerful sponsor within the organization. Your home, your career, even your clothing and entertainments are dictated by the corporation. The only choices you have are those that the mega-corporation allows you. This is not freedom.

We choose freedom. We choose to be Lost in the Stars.


Proposed draft charter. Not yet ratified by the board.


Board of Directors

The Board of Directors provides overall corporate oversight. The Board consists of a minimum of 3 members. The following restrictions apply to the composition of the board:

  1. One founder
  2. One member elected by the founders
  3. One member elected by the active associates

Regional Supervisor

Each region (star system) in which the organization maintains operations shall have a regional supervisor that provides local oversight and reports to the board of directors.

  1. The regional supervisor must be chosen from active associates that operate in the region
  2. The regional supervisor is selected by the board of directors


All members of the organization are referred to as Associates. Associates are considered to be active if they have worked for the organization on at least one job per month in the previous 3 months. A one month gap is permitted for members that have been active for at least one year.


  • Board of Directors — 3+ members
  • Regional Supervisors — 1 per region that the organization operates in
  • Associates — active members of the organization


Lost in the Stars operates with the goals of providing it’s members the opportunity to live free of corporate oppression and supporting each-other in that purpose.


  1. Each active associate of the organization is responsible for purchase, maintenance, and operation of their own ships and equipment.
  2. Each active associate shall support other members of the organization.
  3. Associates may request direct assistance of other associates. Associates are to be compensated reasonably for assistance given.
    1. Associates have the right to refuse to assist except where there is immediate risk to life or property.
    2. Associates must offer assistance and aid to any other associate that is in distress if possible.
  4. Disputes between associates shall be brought to the regional supervisor for resolution.