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  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Hey there, space-faring friend! If you’re looking to join an organization that’s all about making intergalactic bank, then look no further than the StarSins! We’re the crew that’s always on the hunt for the loot, the cash, the bling, the dough, the green, the coin, the treasure, and the big bucks.


Please note, due to random Friend List wipes, please first join us on Discord –

The StarSins organization was founded in the early 29th century by a group of enterprising traders looking to make a name for themselves in the expanding universe. Initially, they operated as a small-time trading company, ferrying goods and supplies between systems in the UEE.

As the decades passed, the StarSins began to acquire a reputation for being unscrupulous in their pursuit of profit. They would undercut competitors, bribe officials, and even engage in piracy if the payoff was worth it. Despite this, they were careful to avoid attracting too much attention from law enforcement or other powerful organizations.

By the mid-29th century, the StarSins had become one of the most successful trading organizations in the galaxy. They had amassed a massive fortune through a combination of legitimate trade and underhanded deals. They were also known for their lavish lifestyle, throwing extravagant parties and indulging in all manner of hedonistic pleasures.

However, their success did not go unnoticed. Other organizations, including some of the most powerful corporations in the galaxy, began to view the StarSins as a threat to their own profitability. There were even rumors that the UEE was considering taking action against them for their illegal activities.

Undeterred, the StarSins continued to chase the big money wherever they could find it. They expanded their operations to include everything from weapons smuggling to black market cybernetic implants. Their reputation for being willing to do whatever it took to turn a profit only grew.

Today, the StarSins remain a force to be reckoned with in the galaxy’s trading community. They are known for their ruthlessness, their daring, and their uncanny ability to always come out on top – no matter what the cost.


Manifesto of StarSins: The Pursuit of Profit and Pleasure

We, the members of StarSins, declare our intentions to pursue wealth and pleasure in all its forms. We are a group of traders, smugglers, and entrepreneurs who believe that the pursuit of profit is the highest virtue. We are unapologetic in our approach to business and will do whatever it takes to turn a profit, whether it be through legitimate trade or more unscrupulous methods.

Our organization is founded on the principles of ambition, cunning, and a relentless pursuit of the bottom line. We believe that in the vast expanse of the galaxy, there is no limit to what can be achieved through sheer determination and a willingness to take risks. We reject the notion that success should be limited to those who play by the rules or are content with modest gains.

We believe that pleasure is a natural part of the human experience and should be pursued without shame or hesitation. We reject the notion that material wealth and indulgence are inherently corrupt or immoral. Rather, we see them as the ultimate expression of individual freedom and self-determination.

We do not shy away from conflict or competition. In fact, we thrive on it. We recognize that in order to achieve our goals, we must be willing to fight for them. We will not be intimidated by other organizations or governments who seek to limit our success.

We are a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for adventure, excitement, and the pursuit of profit. We take pride in our ability to thrive in even the harshest and most unforgiving environments, and we see every challenge as an opportunity to prove our worth.

Above all else, we value teamwork and loyalty. We understand that success in this galaxy requires a willingness to rely on and support one another, and we are committed to doing so at all times. We will always stand by our fellow StarSins, no matter the cost.

In short, the StarSins are an organization focused on making massive profits, having fun, and taking on whatever challenges come our way. We are daring, resourceful, and above all else, unapologetic in our pursuit of wealth and power. If you share our values and our thirst for adventure, then we invite you to join us and become a part of the StarSins family.

In short, we are StarSins – the traders and entrepreneurs who live for the pursuit of profit and pleasure. We believe that the universe is a playground for those with the vision and ambition to conquer it. Join us, and together we will reach the heights of wealth and power that others only dream of.


Article I: Purpose
The purpose of StarSins is to accumulate wealth through trading, entrepreneurship, and other means, as well as to foster a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for adventure and the pursuit of excellence.

Article II: Membership
Membership in StarSins is open to any individual who shares our values and goals. Prospective members must demonstrate their commitment to the organization and its mission and must be approved by a majority vote of the current membership.

Article III: Conduct
All members of StarSins are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that reflects positively on the organization and its values. Members shall not engage in any activity that is illegal or unethical and shall not bring harm to the organization or its members.

Article IV: Trade
StarSins is primarily a trading organization, and as such, all members are expected to engage in trade and commerce to the best of their abilities. Members are encouraged to seek out profitable opportunities and to share information and resources with their fellow members.

Article V: Teamwork
Teamwork and cooperation are essential to the success of StarSins. Members are expected to support and assist one another in all aspects of the organization’s activities, including trade, exploration, and combat.

Article VI: Leadership
StarSins is led by a council of elected officers who are responsible for the day-to-day management of the organization. Officers are elected by a majority vote of the membership and are expected to act in the best interests of the organization and its members.

Article VII: Dissolution
In the event that StarSins is dissolved, all assets and resources of the organization shall be distributed among its members in a fair and equitable manner, as determined by the council of officers.

Article VIII: Amendments
This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the membership, provided that the proposed amendment has been circulated to all members at least two weeks in advance.

The Founding Members