Stellar Express / STELLEX

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Stellar Express delivers! With a diverse fleet of contractor vessels, StellEx is the name to trust for on-time, just-in-time and just right deliveries or specialized support services. Recruiting experienced pilot/owners with clean records and their own supply of elbow grease!


Stellar Express, or StellEx, has been a family run corporation for 5 generations. Following the completion of a career in the military, Bill Gamble took over the family business and decided that the way forward was to open the doors to like-minded, independent folks from all walks of life. The corporation’s current fortunes and financial backing remain steady through this transition period, with several new, large contracts soon to be signed.

Do you have what it takes to move cargo safely and on time? Are you an independent looking for a friendly support network? Are you all up for the occasional bit of contract work? Look no further than Stellar Express!

((Active again since Alpha 4.0 – looking to make some connections = new members and affiliations with RP organizations))


Our goals are simple:

1) Support the independent operator.
2) Build relationships with partners, not just ‘customers’.
3) Make a difference.

Conglomerate shipping can’t deliver the kind of personal service required in today’s market with the fee structure that lets the owner pay her crew their fair share. StellEx does this by developing long-term relationships with partner organizations, by lining up talent that can offer more than just pilot from point a to point b. StellEx needs independent owner/operators who bring a variety of skills and experiences to the table for this very reason.

Consider Stellar Express a kind of co-operative corporation where owner-operators share the burdens and rewards of ownership. We have a strong goal to help the little guy and make a difference in ways that military might alone cannot. Many members of the StellEx family are in fact former service members who make a decent living for themselves and continue to serve the greater good through other means.


StellEx Charter
((This document is largely OOC))

1) The main, OOC goal of StellEx is to support roleplayers in the Star Citizen Universe that do not have PvP as their main goal. This will be a rich universe to explore and ‘work’ in, and the framework of StellEx is meant to support many kinds of roleplayers, but may not appeal to others. Cargo transportation is so far the main theme we’ll support, but many of the ‘industrial’ game play loops are perfect for us. Cargo/valuable sometimes need secured shipping as well, thus, there is room for combat-forward players too.

2) The main theme – A network of ship owners who work together sometimes within and sometimes outside of the ‘law’ of the day. The intent is to bring about the feeling of Malcolm Reynold’s, or Han Solo’s (or insert smuggler/privateer hero here!) star-hopping lifestyle with a bit more of a corporate feel to it, and a dash more legality. Being a kid in the 80’s also taught me A-Team style values, so this should be the perfect kind of ‘cover’ for soldiers of fortune looking for a ‘legit’ path towards making their way in the ‘verse.

3) What’s in it for me (or you, the person considering joining)? – As of this writing (Alpha 3.16) SC is light on many game play loops, and large on annoying bugs. Presently, we can still group up, and make the best of the situation, learning to coordinate ops against NPC or environmental challenges – While roleplaying! It has likely been overlooked to this point, with all the talk about the state of the game, but our aim is set the stage for roleplayers first and foremost.

Since much of the motivation in Star Citizen revolves around a) you have at least one ship and b) you likely want to acquire more ships and equipment, our goal is to create engaging events that help players unite, in-character (see Roleplaying note below) to achieve their goals quickly but also in an immersive way.

4) Oh! Roleplaying! – Correct, we want to recruit players who have an interest in investing into a shared story and their character development just as much as buying a fancy ship. The kind of folks that will like an Org such as STELLEX will be those that find just as much fulfillment out of playing a game of cards on a long jump, in-character, as with shotting up a squadron of pirates.

More ideas and ‘rules’ to come. A final note on ‘rules’ – I like to keep them as light as possible, and recruit mature roleplayers who share similar interests and a desire for a fun, character-driven and ooc-drama free zone.To this last note, we will aim for maximum inclusion, and will ask members to politely leave real-world political and religous/ideological agendas outside the org.