Stellar Merchant Consortium / STELMC

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Hello there. Looking for something to buy? Something to Sell? Do you need resources for a combat expedition into Vanduul Space? Or simply a liaison for interacting with the Banu Souli’s? We can certainly help on many of those fronts. Looking to start a career in interstellar trade? We can help.


Started by a group of merchants looking for freedom under their respective empires, the Stellar Merchant Consortium was formed to buy, sell, and trade without limits across many systems. Over time we look to expand our horizons, and pursue profits by whatever means are deemed nescessary.


We intend to be one of the foremost companies in the galaxy, trading, providing materials and creating goods for many of those that may need them…for a price of course. Should we need to resort to less than legal means of doing these things, or opporitunities arise, we may take those as well.


We are a consortium, a group of merchants, and other related enterprising individuals. With that comes many ways of making profits, but this also means we have a public-facing to maintain. We don’t cause trouble without reason, but if something causes troubles with us, we will have it taken care of.