Legio Exploratorum / STLN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Transport


We started out as a small clan playing World of Tanks and War Thunder mainly, dabbled in clan wars and had quite a few recruits. And here we are now, looking for that new buzz. We will welcome all you don’t need to be from anywhere specific or speak English fluently I will make sure to accommodate you. We are currently AU/US/CA gladly looking for more.


I wrote a bit of fluff for fun, it’s not much but it’s something

Legio Exploratorum was formed in 1886 after a series of abnormal discoveries shocked a group of wealthy like minded men. After numerous studies of the related discoveries including fossils and items from past aboriginal colonies found that we weren’t of this Earth, that we belonged to a race of higher beings. Legio Exploratorum started as just a research group which evolved over the years to include private security operatives of explorers, similar to that of Astronauts. Quite a few Astronauts were in fact members of this Legio Exploratorum they are as follows:


The recorded discoveries that the public were aware of were quickly hushed and forcefully closed under our jurisdiction, just to clear up any miscommunications it would have been impossible to recall already published information but usually the general public dismissed it as a filler for an article space.

Table Mountain, Needles California.
1853 Oliver W. Stevens. Unearthed a large stone bowl from the lowest level of the Table Mountain mine

1857 Paul Hubbs
Unearthed part of a human skull in the Valentine shaft

1862 Mr Llewellyn Pierce Unearthed a stone mortar 200’ from the Valentine shaft

1863 Dr Snell
Removed a large grinding disc

1866 Mr Mattison
Unearthed a complete human skull, that of a modern type of human. The way the gravel was wedged into the crevices of the skull indicated the age of the skull. Dated 12 Million years old along with the aforementioned recovered items.

Random findings:

1842 Germany, discovery anonymous. Poorly conditioned skull discovered in a brown coal mine, dated from 50 million years ago. Coal still inside the skull

1867 Rocky point mine
400’ below the surface, human bones were discovered in a silver ore vein and more found in a nearby copper vein. The veins were dated at 135 million years old.

1877 Four gold prospectors
Found a human Tibia and knee cap encased in red Quartzite, the bone in the quartzite had begun to carbonize. The tibia measured told that the human stood 12 feet high. Dated at over 185 million years old.

1880 Dr R. W. Booth
Unearthed multiple bones of modern human type with charcoal and flint arrowheads 24’ below the surface. Found on an iron ore vein with cloth matting. The layer they were discovered in were Lower Silurian saccharoidal sandstone dated back to 425 million years.

1926 J.C.F Siegfriedt Unearthed a human molar, the enamel had been replaced by carbon and its roots by iron via seepage petrification. Coming from an Eocene deposit dated at 30 million years old.

1958 Dr Johannes Huerzeler, museum of Natural History, Switzerland. Unearthed a human Jawbone 600’ down in an Italian coal mine encased in Miocene stratum dating from 20 million years ago. The remains appeared to be of a modern human.

1973 Lin Ottinger, rock collector Discovered two halves of human remains laid out naturally in a rock plateau that had been bulldozed for a copper mine extension. The rock formation is over 100 million years old.

There have been numerous other artefacts recovered since then, but the ages of the fossils are astounding and the public could never handle such unstable information, but now we are in an age of alien contact on a daily basis. We feel that it is safe to release this information to the public.
Now the big question is who brought these modern humans to earth? That is why we will fly to the ends of the ‘verse to find out who and why.

Disclaimer: In game aliens need not apply, based off of real findings.

We now delve deep into the fringes of unexplored space for that chance of finding the unknown, the weird and juicy information.


The corporation.

Legio Exploratorums main business will include mostly information gathering/running and a few odd jobs on the side. If you need that message there overnight freight we will take the challenge! Our side mission is to explore the ‘verse on downtime.


High Value Package Delivery
The customers will deliver or give direct instructions for pickup zones or points of contact with said ‘package’ totally sealed or encrypted with direct instructions for drop zones or points of contact.

Prices depend on where the package is sent and how fast you want it sent, ASAP will cost a pretty penny.

Direct Trade Agreement with Interstellar Transporters Association

Our website Legio Exploratorum is new and is lacking content but I hope to gain new members and have a full community.


We do not take sides,
We do not interfere,
We get in,
We get out,
We take our cut.