The Starlite Corporation / STLTE

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

An upstart transportation and trading firm, founded and headed by Aubrey Zhavari and Aurelia Voidi. Built on trading and transporting resources, products, and people. For people, by people, with people.

Contact us for more information!

Starlite Trading and Transportation


Many years ago, two aspiring entrepreneurs met at a business conference on Earth. These two individuals were representatives of two large spacecraft manufacturing companies, and both companies wanted a presence at this convention, and it fell onto Aubrey Zhavari and Aurelia Voidi. Zhavari and Voidi quickly became friends, and eventually, business partners. Having both split from the larger manufacturing and industrial companies, they now found themselves coming together to form a new competitor in the Universe’s ever expanding market.

Aubrey Zhavari and Aurelia Voidi have created a company designed to do one thing, and to do that thing better than anybody else:
To trade only the best products at only the best prices in the Empire.
To transport cargo and materials for independent contractors, companies, and even the Empire itself at the best rates, with the best crew, and in the best time anybody can find.

Before they could create this company, they had to start much smaller. Soon after their encounter and subsequent resignations, they registered under a new banner.

This company was branded Starlite Trading Co., a trading and distribution firm that specialised in all ranges of materials, resources, spacecraft and personnel equipment, and much more. With just one small Aurora light freighter, STC made a small name for itself in this field distributing and reselling merchandise around the Sol system and throughout the Empire. For Zhavari and Voidi, however, this was not enough.

With credits now moving in at a stable enough rate, Zhavari and Voidi prepared for the next step: Employees and personnel to grow their reach and their economic potential.

Join Co-CEOs Aubrey Zhavari and Aurelia Voidi as they expand and guide this soon to be Trade Empire into the infinite cosmos! Welcome, to Starlite Trading and Transportation.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.


Our Board of Directors will unveil our official corporate statements soon. Please come back for updated information.