HIgher Times Spacer Guild / STNR42

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to the Higher Times Spacer Guild, a place where those of us of the green persuasion can gather and fly and have fun while getting ripped. Drug running is allowed of course but mostly just hang and chill and hotbox your ship. As stoners are we will been found around the food courts and such.


During the dark days of update 18 some of us were watching the chat burn with crabs and we thought it would be nice to gather our chill calm relaxed souls into one spot, we could fly together, adventure together and all at our own nice pace. So this place was born. Now though most of us are affiliates we still have a place now where like minded people can gather and have fun and chat all things weed.


Our intentions are to have fun, get ripped and do our thing. Dont let that let you think we are weak tho, not at all by far. We will gather in groups and do missions like everyone else but it’ll just be cooler for us. Any trade is cool with us except maybe piracy cause stoners arent usually dicks.


Our rules are simple….

1. Be cool to each other.

2.Try to help when called.

3.Do not judge us for our vices.

4.Dont be a dick.

5.Smoke good weed, eat good edibles and enjoy the cosmos.