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Star Strikers / STRIKERS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Exploration
  • Infiltration

Find a way or make one.


The Star Strikers of the 30th Century find themselves leading with the same precision and lethality of yesteryear. Though the centuries have changed, their commitment to achieving victory has not wavered.

Specializing in direct action activities including: unconventional warfare, escort/ security operations, long range intelligence gathering, internal defense and counter [colonial] terrorism – with limited exception… there are few environments the Star Strikers have not operated in.

As their ranks continue to grow, so too does the need for talented, determined and able bodied citizens to serve in various roles. From daring pilots, to brave ground commanders, from skilled navigators and medical personnel to dedicated engineers – this fight will not be won alone.

The Star Strikers actively welcome new recruits, affiliates and partnerships among like minded organizations.

Step forward.

Enlist today.

Embark on the journey that will define tomorrow.


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• Officers are required to virtually attend regular mission briefings or call the Commander to report an expected absence.
• Line Teams are expected to attend at least one program event (forum, retreat) per program year.
• Directors are expected to communicate the Star Strikers mission, vision and activities in a consistent manner to ensure the Star Strikers distinction in the community and promote our values – universally.
• Officers will remain non-partisan in their recommendations and decisions on behalf of Leadership within the Star Strikers.
• Officers and enlisted are expected to serve on at least one committee.
• Development and recruitment are the responsibility of each officer, regardless of the committee on which he or she serves.
• The board commits to finalizing a budget by the October board meeting.
• Before making decisions, the Board will explore the “why” of each issue it addresses.
• We will celebrate our accomplishments and successes.
• We will hold regular brainstorming sessions to generate new ideas.
• Committee chairs should schedule regular meetings and publish that schedule to the board and members.
• Committee work will be done in committee meetings, not board meetings.
• Committee chairs are expected to initiate communication with other committee chairs when crossover issues are identified.
• Turn off all MOBI-GLASS and all personal communication devices during board meetings.
• During board meetings, please speak one at a time when recognized by the chair.
• Action steps identified in board meetings will be recapped at the end of each meeting with target completion dates and people assigned to complete them.
• Respect everyone’s ideas, whether or not you agree with them.
• Meetings will begin and end on time.