Storm Wolves / STRMWLVS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Resources
  • Trading

The Storm Wolves are an industrial and trading focused organization with an emphasis on in-house security and exploration. Our primary goal is profit through peaceful trade and industry. However in a dangerous and chaotic galaxy, those who wish for peace must prepare for war.


When it happened, it was nothing special. Actually that’s rather the point.

Just one more honest man trying to make a living, pushed over by a thug for no reason other than because he could.

But the target survived, and didn’t forget. He went to find other people who were tired of being treated like that, who had realized that for them the UEE was a distant and tenuous hope at best. People who knew they would need to look to their own defense.

So the Storm Wolves were founded, with a simple vision, to make sure that the next time one of them got jumped on the dark side of some rock nobody in the civilized world has even heard of, they wouldn’t be alone.

An alliance of fighter pilots, miners, freighter drivers and explorers, the Storm Wolves have a simple ethos, to look out for each other when operating in places where nobody else is ever coming to help you. Simple, honest people who are tired of being pushed around.

It’s time somebody pushed back.


Sometimes, peaceful people get pushed too far.

Those who live on the edge of civilization, the explorers, the asteroid miners, the long haul traders, the people who lead lives outside the protective cages of modern city life, they know that the idea of a peaceful galaxy of law and order is nothing but a pretense. It is a lie, created by political leaders to lull the general populace into complacency. Outside the comforting envelope of a planet’s atmosphere, there is no rule of law, no one to help you, no high minded civilization. Out in the black, things revert to the basic, primal law of the wild.

Out in the black, there are sheep, and there are wolves.

The Storm Wolves are a collection of people who understand this simple reality. We understand that when you’re out mining or hauling the only person you can rely on to save your life is you, and you can only do it with the proper equipment. A gun in your hand, a ship under your control, but most importantly with friends watching your back.

This is what the Storm Wolves are for. Not to simply be a for-profit entity, but a fully realized and self sufficient faction, able to profit through industrial endeavors and provide for its own security needs. We aim to strike out into the unknown, to pathfind our own expeditions, to mine our own resources, to refine those resources in our own outposts, to transport the finished products in our own freighters, to escort them all with our own warships.

Imagine a fleet of mining ships harvesting an asteroid belt, escorted by a Kraken carrier and Hammerhead gunships, ferrying raw ore back to a Storm Wolves outpost to be refined, then organized freight convoys bringing the refined goods to market escorted by our own fighter wing or heavy combat vessels. This is the long term aim of our organization, to create a fully realized and independent faction, striking out into deep space to take our own territory, and to make the most of it.

And heaven help anybody who tries to take it from us.


The Storm Wolves are a lawful organization focused on colonial endeavor, exploration, resourcing and in-house security.

Criminal activity will not be tolerated by org members, or in the sight of org members. Do not smuggle illegal cargo, do not attack lawful pilots just going about their business, enough of that going around as it is.

Work together with your fellow org members and allies, help each other out, don’t always be looking how to make yourself stronger or richer, pull together and we’ll all do better than we could alone.

We aren’t looking to start a fight if we don’t have to, sometimes our self defense needs to be proactive, sometimes a pirate nest needs to be pushed back or a drug den cleared. But we aren’t looking to start a war out here if we don’t have to.

Don’t start trouble, don’t be the bad guy, help your friends.

Simple enough.