Crusaders of Stuff / STUFF

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Engineering
  • Social

Crusaders of Stuff Industries: On a crusade to get the stuff you want to the place you want it.

Producers of the Vault Mobi-Glass add on system, in when combined with the Voice Attack application.


A small firm with roots in Transport and Acquisitions, Crusaders of Stuff has shifted its current target toward developing software for the Mobi-glass platform.

Currently under development is the Vault system. Vault is a voice responsive AI program with rapidly expanding capabilities. What started out as a simple power management suite for small craft has rapidly expanded into full ship system integration, with the ground work being laid for quick informational access, both in the form of historical information, access to current bounty data, location data, as well as general purpose interaction and banter.

At the present time, the Vault application can be found here: Vault v0.8
Please be sure to review the Read Me for instructions on how to configure the Vault system for your Mobi-glass and ship.

[On a less in-verse note: Vault is a voice attack profile and audio compilation. You will need the program Voice Attack ( in order to take advantage of this tool. Vault is currently being maintained, set up and recorded by a single person. As one of the only ways I’ve found that I can properly give back to the community, I’m eventually planning on releasing what will amount to be a full fledged ‘Siri’ style companion for Star Citizen.

I have no affiliation with the creators of Star Citizen, or of Voice Attack. I just thought this would be a lot of fun to do.]


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