Warriors of Sunlight / SUNLIGHT

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Transport


Warriors of Sunlight are brilliantly beaming co-operators who place their golden signatures to help those in need, for it is their duty to deliver a great conquest to their summoner.

Worship of the sun, now a lost belief, was once widespread amongst great warriors. The symbol represents Lord Gwyn’s firstborn, who lost his deity status and was expunged from the annals. But the old God of War still watches closely over his warriors.

Display the Sunlight banner to pledge oneself to the Warriors of Sunlight covenant.


We are amidst strange beings, in a strange land. The flow of time itself is convoluted, with heroes centuries old phasing in and out. The very fabric wavers, and relations shift and obscure.

The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. In a land brimming with Hollows, could that really be mere chance?

So, what do you say? Why not help one another on this lonely journey?


There’s no telling how much longer your world and mine will remain in contact. But, summon one another as spirits, cross the gaps between the worlds, and engage in jolly co-operation!

The Rules
  • Maintain a Lawful Neutral reputation
  • Respect the community and your fellow members