Sunrider's Destiny / SUNNYD

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

Sunny D has been around since Star Wars Galaxies (SWG) and will be bringing a special brand of chaos and lack of commitment to Star Citizen!


Sunny D has been around as a small casual guild since SWG days. During the early days, founding members were in a different guild named DELTA, which stood for something that no one remembers. Founding members of Sunrider’s Destiny went to World of Warcraft with the release of the Burning Crusade expansion and formed the new Sunrider’s Destiny Guild. it was at this time that the real core of Sunny D was created, mostly made up of players from Dallas Texas, which was mostly just a weird coincidence. Since the formation on WoW in 2007, Sunny D has had many incarnations on more games then I care to recount, however the large part of the guild has remained in tact for all those years, and we have even picked up a few new members that has fit in well.

We are currently looking forward to Star Citizen and will consider inviting new members who seem as if they will fit in. Having fond memories of SWG and a crude yet smart sense of humor is a must.

It should be noted that we are a casual guild, mostly made up of mature players who have jobs and families which are our top priority. We play games to have fun, not to create new jobs or stress for ourselves. If this sounds like you? Give us a yell.

Shaak Gi


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Yeah… We don’t so much have a charter. That would indicate some sort of course. We are in this for the fun. Ramble about, have a good time, probably move on to something else interesting in a few months.