Supra Septem / SUPRAVII

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Exploration

We are Supra Septem
Strength through unity
Security through comradery


Founded in 2062, the Supra Septem flourished and survived for over two centuries.
The company, a combination of commercial organisations in various cities on Earth, traded both on earth and throughout the galaxy.
The Supra Septem ran it’s own shipyards the largest being in the lowlands.
This spectacular trade with the galaxy made the Supra Septem the galaxy’s key commecial hub.

Right now, i find it my duty to set forth my ancestors their legacy and honor their profession.
Every Human that joins me on my journey will live a prospering life full of riches and wealth.
Sign up today!


Comradery is key
We explore
We seek fortune
We do not seek war
We do not choose sides
We establish trading routes
We sell and buy your products, no questions asked
We C O L O N I Z E


There are rules to our organisation.
You shall not lie or swindle.
Be respectful to the community
Avoid writing politics or historical references on the forums or community pages.
Ingame do not grief on other players under the name of this organisation.
You are obliged to help out your fellow organisation members when they ask you to.
You can decline but be honest about your reasons.
report dissatisfaction and misconduct to one of the organisation admins immediatly