Serenity Valley Ninjas / SVN

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

“Death cometh sooner or late. And how can a man die better than facing fearful odds for the ashes of his fathers and the temples of his gods.”



Serenity Valley Ninjas is a gaming community of friends and players that have joined together over the years of gaming and play several different games. We have a casual adult style of guilds that work together as a team to solve problems and consider the guild more of a family than just members. The majority of our members reside in Australia and the United States, with some players in the UK, which gives us a wide time zone to cover in games. The Guild is comprised of a collective governing body we call the council that when needed will meet and decide on actions and any of the politics involved in the guild. In each of our games we play we have assigned guild leaders and officers to handle any and all situations all of which is under the careful watch and guidance of the council. Games tend to come and go, and as time ticks by we continue to hold loyalty to our guild, our family, in everything we do. The dedication and unity we have maintained over the years makes us stronger, passionate, and invaluable to each other as a team of brothers and sisters, sons and daughters.

As a single cohesive guild we know each others strengths and weaknesses. We can react to support each others mistakes, and recognize where improvements can be made and work together to advance the team. Our new members rapidly accelerate through the learning curve to meet our hardcore standard of strategies while maintaining a fun and entertaining casual atmosphere. There are no ultimatums, or mandatory setups. Each ninja will learn and create their own style of play and we will adjust to weave them into our team. Our leadership has several years in each of the roles they play in the team, and can always be relied upon to give honest and effective advice from tactics to gear. We don’t claim to be the best, nor do we strive to be the best in a game. We believe in having fun and being the best to only ourselves.

“He who knows much about others is learned, but he who understands himself is more intelligent. He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still. The best soldier does not attack. The superior fighter succeeds without violence, the greatest conqueror wins without a struggle, and the most successful manager leads without dictation. This is called intelligent non aggressiveness, this is called mastery of men. – Lao-Tsu”

Rise of a Dynasty

Like most great guilds, they all had to start small. Ours was no different. In the early years of gaming SVN was represented in several different ways through table top and early online games, but planting its roots and blooming in the shadows of the newly formed early stage MMO’s offering multiplayer games such as Mechwarrior, Wing Commander, and X-Wing. Moving into the next age of games like Star Craft, Command & Conquer, and AvP. SVN’s true nature didn’t arise until Star Wars Galaxies. During the 8 years of the games life, the guild grew rapidly and stronger dissolving players into its foundation on Sunrunner from many other servers like Bria, Ahazi, Starsider, and Valcyon. Over its reign on Sunrunner the guild molded into the family structure that it has now and dominated every aspect of the game taking many server first titles, and making ardent friends and enemies on both sides of the conflict.

After the fall of Star Wars Galaxies, the guild ventured off into smaller sister guilds and groups taking part in several other games such as World of Warcraft, Rift, EVE Online, and World of Tanks. The family remained tight together despite playing other games, and came together strong in Rift to learn new team tactics and to maintain the “Instance/Dungeon” group skills anticipating the release of The Old Republic. Rift was no different than Galaxies, and SVN quickly took a foothold in Rift with the larger group taking a place within TOG (The Older Gamers) for more exposure to tactics, and networking with other players, folding in new members here and there that shared the same desires and ideals for gaming that we had.

The Second Age

With the launch of The Old Republic on the horizon the guild took a “summer break” and just rested. We had spent 10 years pushing it hard in a dozen games, and wanted a little bit of rest to prepare for TOR. We stayed together, playing very casually here and there while hanging out in our communications channels sharing funny videos and cracking jokes. Like anything in life some members moved on from gaming to address things in life, and more new members emerged from the various other games we played. With the launch of TOR, the fury of SVN was hard and fast. We quickly accelerated through the levels, and mastered the instances and raids. Coming from Galaxies, we still craved the sandbox we had on Sunrunner, and although TOR gave us our MMO fix, the general state of games was just not the same.

We played TOR solid for about 18 months, but eventually drifted back to Rift and EVE Online which had more to offer each of us in our own ways. We remained a tight knit team and played multiple games simultaneously waiting for the next great game to be made adding Planetside 2 to our repertoire. Going back to the origins of SVN, Mechwarrior Online gave a glimmer of hope on the horizon for something new for us to conquer. With many of us buying the Founder’s packages we thrust ourselves into the word of Mechwarrior making several new friends along the way and folding in some new expert talent into our family.

In Destiny’s Wake

At current we occupy a handful of games that we play casually and together while again waiting for the next great game. We have players in MWO, EVE, Rift, Neverwinter and just recently began the exploration of The Secret World. Star Citizen has once again given us hope in being able to find a new home in the online gamesphere, where like Galaxies, we can thrive and flourish for many many years. “What are we?” one might ask. Good, Evil, Lawful, Thieves, Diplomats, Criminals…Honestly, we are all of those things. The universe is a large place, with many opportunities. There is no correct way to be other than how we end up. No specific alignment that will tie us down. We will stand together as one. Unyielding and relentless. We show loyalty to ourselves and our allies. Compassion only to those who deserve it. We are the shadows you catch out of the corner of your eye. The icy chill that runs up your spine when you’re in the emptiness of the black and feel the veil of spying eyes falling over you like a shroud on your deathbed. We are the wraiths of Serenity Valley. Ninja’s at birth. Ninja’s in death.

“Despair is for the living. Where they are weak, we will be strong. Where they weep, we rejoice. And where they bleed…..we drink.”


United Empire of Earth Navy Security Memo #31856

To: H.C. Legatus Navium
Subject: Serenity Valley Ninjas Intelligence Briefing

The recent destruction of the Epsilon fleet on deep space recon assignment in the oracle rim, has caused an escalation in security regarding the syndicate organization known as Serenity Valley Ninjas. Fragmented transmissions from the communications ship tasked to relay for the Epsilon fleet, reported that fighter wings 2, 7 and 11 from Vice Admiral Soren’s carrier group were investigating unknown sensor contacts emanating from a dark nebula complex surrounding a brown dwarf system. The fighter wings came under assault from unregistered vessels initially sensored to be a Vanduul drone swarm.

Reinforcements from the carrier were dispatched to assist the fighter wings, but arrived on scene to the aftermath of the conflict. The fighter wings were a complete loss. Surveys and salvage of the debris field discovered a very minor amount of ship debris of non navy vessels. The debris was brought on board for evaluation to discern affiliations, and a single Anvil Aerospace wing plate bearing a 12th century ancient earth symbol with Sino-Japanese characters spelling the phrase “Seion Shinobi” translated to “Serenity Ninja”.

Data was transmitted to the security bureau for a deep intelligence scan on any information related to Serenity Ninja. After several weeks of scanning only 3 references came up. The intelligence pointed to an organization bearing the same symbol-age named Serenity Valley Ninjas, a widely closed and secretive syndicate involved in almost everything; finance, weapons manufacturing, drug smuggling, bounty hunting, commerce, and some members were recently indicted on charges of piracy, although no formal charges or evidence to support that have been brought forward yet, due to the recent disappearance of the prosecution team.

A cross-scan of the organization brought back files related to the earth recolonization imitative in the 25th century. A group set out to colonize a new Sol system when Earth resources began to reach critical levels. After several minor conflicts, war eventually broke out among the established united government and the independent groups wanting to not be ruled tyrannically. Towards the end of the war a bloody an gruesome battle took place on a remote planet in a location named The Serenity Valley. Out of the conflict only a handful of the opposition survived. The government refused to acknowledge the expertise of the opposition, but the new system widely recognized the soldiers who fought at Serenity Valley to be among the most elite that the independents had to offer. Eventually the colonization project was abandoned and the system was declared lost and dropped from Earth support which had developed new means of extracting resources from nearby rogue planets.

UEE analysts have concluded that the syndicate Serenity Valley Ninjas are descendants of the survivors of the battle of Serenity Valley. Their philosophies and affiliations are unknown but it is to be assumed that they have passed down their morals and tactics through the years to their kin, and should be considered extremely dangerous. Security warnings have been issued to all fleets on deep space patrol to be on watch and defense from this group. Their status has not been flagged as hostile at this point in time, but all UEE personnel should consider them to not have allegiance to the UEE. It is recommended that all transport and industrial vessels bearing the markings of the Serenity Valley Ninjas be stopped and boarded for investigative purposes of illegal contraband, by any capable UEE vessel. Extreme caution should be exercised on approach of any persons or vessels related to this organization.


United Empire of Earth Navy Security Memo #31906

To: H.C. Legatus Navium
Subject: Serenity Valley Ninjas Intelligence Update

New intelligence data intercepted from surveillance of a Vanduul infiltration convoy, decrypted a mayday communication regarding an assault on the convoy with ships identifying themselves as Serenity Valley Ninjas. The initial telemetry review indicated that the convoy came under attack as they were passing on the outside of a gravity distortion to mask themselves from UEE passive scanners. The Serenity fleet was hiding within the gravity wells accretion disk rendering them virtually invisible from the Vanduul fleet. Based on the initial assessments of the debris field, estimates indicate that less than half of the fleet was actually destroyed, yet the crew compliments to man such a fleet were found amongst the debris indicating that the fleet was most likely hijacked and the crew left behind.

Intelligence analysts building a psychological profile of the organization have released an preliminary report defining the organization as a highly methodical and tactically experienced criminal organization with a very miniscule amount of empathy toward those who would be a characteristic “prey” type of target. In lieu of this new evidence the organizations threat level has been promoted to highest tier, and has now been declared hostile. With recommendation of naval intelligence all normal containment protocols for this organization have been rescinded. Upon identification of any vessels affiliated with Serenity Valley Ninjas, all UEE affiliated military vessels shall immediately execute a high priority withdrawal maneuver and proceed to the nearest naval base at maximum speed. Jump restrictions within systems are lifted during this maneuver. All non military UEE vessels are highly advised to execute a withdrawal from the system and report the encounter to the nearest authoritative entity. Due to the high threat risk of this organization and vessels transmitting a distress call in regard to this organization shall not be assisted without authorization from naval intelligence.

In addition to the above mandates with recommendation from naval intelligence the United Empire of Earth will not endorse, promote, or engage in any form of unlawful actions against this organization. All mercenary groups and bounty hunter groups should not attempt any actions against this organization and will receive no support or compensation from any UEE personnel. Any intelligence information regarding this organization will be subject to standard UEE compensation procedures. Any further transmissions regarding this organization will be routed through naval intelligence and subject to standard authorization clearance assignment.


Currently Under Drafting Review. Check back with us soon.



Baus: Full interactions in all aspects of the Organization
Commander: Limited interactions with the organization fulfilling the officer role
Recruiter: Interactions regarding recruitment and applications only.
Communications: Interactions regarding appearance and visual maintenance of the organization.


Council: Ruling members of the organization and council members.
Commander: Veteran members in the officer leadership position, may be invited to council meetings.
Sub-Commander: Members of the organization in positions of armory/hangar maintenance.
Ninja: Veteran Members of the organization without any responsibilities other than being badass.
Initiate: Newer members to the organization that are out of the “Trials phase” of recruitment.
Recruit Members unfamiliar to the organization undergoing evaluation for membership.