Steel Wool Navy / SWN

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Exploration

We started as a group of friends that needed a name and we chose Steel Wool somehow. We are still the same group of friends, but a lot bigger now and we are here to see what Star Citizen offer. Come join us, we are planning on having a blast.

“ Brings back memories.” – Superkatten


“Well lets see, where did we start. As far as I remember it was back in high school, where we needed a name for our League of Legends team. I somehow manged to come up with the name Steel Wool and we still use that name for the various guilds and games. For example, World of Warcraft, Star Wars The Old Republic, Eve Online and many more.
We are still the same group of friends and we have slowly been growing larger over the years. We are now going to see what Star Citizen can bring to the table, since I was a big advocate for it, after I saw it at GamesCom.
Well this has been a brief history of Steel Wool Navy until now. I hope this gives an idea of what we have been doing and kinda what you may expect from us.”
- Kjeer


  • What kind of guild or organization is this?
    Our primary focus is is not quite decided, we feel that we need to know more about the game before we can plan that in full detail. We have an idea about having 2 divisions/departments. The first department would have a focus on industry and mercantile. The second department focus would be on security/military, maybe also bounty hunting, but that part is still undecided.
  • Is this organization going to do piracy?
  • But do we get to kill stuff?
    There is always pirates, but I think we are going to be killing a lot of stuff.


  • Respect the ranking system and ranks.
  • Be respectfully and mature
  • Ranks are gained by contributing to the corporation (fighting battles and/or doing jobs).
  • Funds are distributed by the accountant team.
  • Jobs and battles are handed out and can also be requested.