Seize Your Destiny / SYD

  • Syndicate
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

We steal what’s yours, and protect what’s ours. We’re a crew and family of misfits and loners from every sector in the cosmos.

We work for the highest bidder, sometimes, or just the thrill of it.

You can reach us on our TeamSpeak frequency:


The founders of our group come from small beginnings, growing up in an area of sparse population on the planet Terra. We were part of a small community that was way too constrictive for our tastes, and this is probably the second biggest reason, behind our childhood heroes, as to why we dreamt of spending our days floating among the stars.

Our group’s founder was a free-spirited rebel at heart, whose background was always too small for what he wanted to accomplish in life and where he wanted to be. He was an unbreakable sort who had a penchant for leadership, even from a young age. He was never content following orders, so once he and his brother saved enough money to get off the sorry excuse of a planet that they called home, they left. They didn’t stick together for long though, as the differences in opinion about life caused many quarrels and fights.

They split paths and went their own ways, working odd jobs to get used to the harsh realities of space colonization and life. It was much different than their homeworld, and he eventually grew into a prized individual of a well known band of mercs for hire.


Seize your Destiny had humble beginnings as just a small group of like-minded individuals focused on one thing, surviving. In the beginning that consisted of mostly pirating. However, as time ticked on we were forced to expand into smuggling, extorting, exploring, and many other aspects of questionable, necessary behavior. We will do almost anything if the price is right.

Seize Your Destiny is a branch of Total Punishment Gaming (



First and foremost, a 30% cut will be taken right off the top to be put into our “Legitimate Business Endeavor” coffers, and the remaining will be shared equally (mostly) by all eligible members. Bonuses shall be given to those who have proven themselves time and again in various ways.

Any affiliates taking part in acts of piracy, with us, will also receive shares of the plunder, so long as they abide by our rules of conduct.

Battle Order:

Before “Legitimate Activities,” members will be assigned to a squadron and they will be expected to follow any and all orders from their superior officers.

Rules of Conduct:

We are pirates (read Legitimate Business Partners), but we are a syndicate of pirates Partners. This means that we stand up for each other and that we rarely back down from a fight. We will NOT murder or steal from each other. Any Partner found to have done so will be thrown out of the syndicate Legitimate Business, and will become the recipient of a hefty bounty placed upon themselves. We treat our affiliates fairly, and we operate with the utmost amount of respect. We keep our word. Therefore if someone pays for safe passage through our space, then they will get safe passage through our space. Mutiny and other forms of undermining commands will not be tolerated. We may be a band of pirates, but we hold honor of the highest importance.

Odd Rules:

Swearing will be kept to a minimum, because we don’t discriminate based upon age, mostly. We expect all Partners to conduct themselves as polite and upstanding members. Racist, sexist, and otherwise derogatory remarks will be treated with the utmost scrutiny, and you may be removed or banned from our organization, with a wonderful bounty placed upon themselves. Business leaders have the final say during a dispute.