Synchronizerz / SYNCH

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  • Exploration

De Cosmos Et Terra – Synchronized We Rise!

Stay Connected With Us – Have Fun!






Synchronizerz was founded in June 2016 as a global organization from all countries and time zones to focus on camaraderie, community, teamwork, and togetherness. That is what it means to be a Synchronizer. You are not alone.

Our goal is to achieve something that can not be done in real life: No matter which nationality, religion, political interest, or gender – we work together as a big, tight-knit team with one objective: Providing everything our members need from within the organization itself. No one needs to go out in the cold darkness of the ‘verse alone, unprotected from whatever they may face. At Synchronizerz, we have everything necessary for you to achieve your goals and enjoy a high quality of life. Here, you have a home base of trusted people working together on a great project.

Synchronizerz strives to be more than a group of random people. We integrate new members, get to know each other personally, and, most of all, play together as a community. We focus on the individual skills of members without picking on weaknesses. We are all here to enjoy our time together and get better. We believe that bringing together individual skills will make us stronger as a whole, and everyone here will benefit from the combined strengths of this community. Our members’ ambition and effort in this organization will achieve great things. Join us now!

Synchronizerz is active in every Star Citizen (Alpha) Universe aspect.

Everyone in this organization can play a role or casually play with the support of the members. You will never have to fight alone in the ‘verse again, and as a global org, we strive to be active 24/7. You will not be abandoned or helpless as you mine, explore, or make a cargo run. Ask for support.

You will find a home here, no matter your motivations, whether you are driven for success or want to socialize.

Departments, Ranks, and Roles

- Be who you want to be. It´s your choice as a citizen of the stars!

Synchronizerz is/will be organized into multiple primary departments/divisions based on the current gameplay available in the ‘verse. This breakdown allows members to receive greater support or specialization in their chosen interest areas but is not meant to divide or separate. Synchronizerz are free to participate in one or all of these areas. You choose the path of your Star Citizen life.

Originating from all corners of Earth, Synchronizerz isn’t just a simple organization; it’s a mindset – a call to action – all game loops, all members, synchronized in our focus toward mutual success.

We WILL leave our mark on the entire Universe.

Competitive Gameplay

For the more hardcore competitive player (when the gameplay is available/stable), we offer opportunities to improve in Arena Commander, Star Marine, and Racing endeavors—often participating in Jump Town, Siege of Orison, and Xeno Threat events. Be sure to sign up for regular events to practice and hone your skills in flight/ground PvP or various aspects of PvE—bunker clears, salvaging, medical gameplay, etc.* We are better together!*

History & Lore

Just two years after Anvil Aerospace released the renowned F7C Hornet fighter, Synchronizerz was established on New Terra. Our first Chairman and Founder, Warbot, saw a vision of what would later be known as Synchronizerz. Our second Chairman, Gyun, continues the organization’s drive toward excellence.

Early Years
In its early years, the organization started with just a few transport ships and members operating the select few shipping routes that the larger transport companies didn’t risk running. While running these missions often meant traveling high-risk routes with a zero percent chance of receiving UEE military aid if there were any pirates along the way, the organization decided that the only way to maintain a reasonable profit margin was to run the high-risk reward routes where competition was little.

Growth and Expansion
One day while running a mission transporting food and basic living necessities to a colony in the Fora System on the planet of Hyperion on the border of the UEE, an organization pilot noticed a small blip on the radar screen of his freelancer. Deciding that a small detour off the current heading would not strain his fuel supply, he changed direction and headed into an asteroid field. While flying towards the tiny blip, he didn’t see anything where the blip was supposed to be. Upon closer inspection, he saw a mining tracker deep within a small drill hole. He looked at the clock and saw that there was still plenty of time before he had to check in at the next waypoint. So he put on his spacesuit and flew to the beacon for a closer look. As he made his way over to the beacon, he noticed the walls around the hole light up a neon blue. When he saw the tell-tale shimmer of a special radioactive substance used by all ship manufacturers to make their engines, he knew he had hit the jackpot. So he made his way back to the ship and immediately did a tightbeam message through the comms back to Synchronizerz HQ on New Terra. Luckily Warbot was still at the office at that particular time and was able to receive and read the message. After reading, he immediately told the lucky organization pilot to empty his cargo bay, load as much of the substance from the cave as possible onto his freelancer, and head straight back to HQ. Warbot then directed all available ships in the region to head to that location to pick up as much of the substance as they could. This was known famously as the Fora Run which brought about the rise of the economic might and influence of the new Synchronizerz Organization.

Present Day
A year after the Fora Run, the Synchronizerz Organization has grown tremendously, with its private security and exploration endeavors operating alongside the original economic and industry efforts. With its larger active membership, greater resources, and reach into the stars, Synchronizerz is becoming a home to many and a recognized power in the ‘verse. Join us.


De Cosmos Et Terra – Synchronized We Rise

The Synchronizerz Organization represents an all-around organization that prioritizes economic strength, safety, and security within the universe. Our mandate is to provide members with a unified front and to be a part of a brother and sisterhood that will accomplish great things together. This is your call.


This is your Virtual Life. Do with it what makes you happy.
Define what success means to you, and then go get it.
Explore. Discover. Conquer. Make your Galactic Fortune. Be your own hero.
Live. Laugh. Enjoy every last minute of your time in the Verse.
If you don’t enjoy it, stop what you are doing. Sell your ship.
Trust your instincts. Buy one that lets you find a new path to enjoyment.
Follow your passion. It knows where to lead you and what you need to accomplish.
Most people never achieve a fraction of what they are meant to do.
You are capable of so much more than you are aware of.
We will do everything we can to help you realize your potential.
The Verse is vast and full of wonderous things. Open your mind to new experiences.
Discover new friends within the Organization.
Share your Star Citizen dreams and passions to inspire each other.
Travel the Verse together…often…and share the wonders you have seen with others.
Be here for the Organization, and we will be here for you.
If you are lost, we will find you. If you are attacked, we will defend you.
When you are in over your head, we will pull you up.
If you need help, we will be there to lend a hand.
Life is about what you, and those you associate with, create in this world and the Verse.
We are a global organization, a Galactic Brother & Sisterhood.
We are united despite our differences, Synchronized, towards a common goal.
We are the Synchronizerz, and this is our Manifesto.


Our Charter (Needs Updating)

The Synchronizerz Constitution

This founding document shows the earnest sincerity of Synchronizerz’s founding and organization. The charter is meant to be a living document—ever-changing and improving as the organization grows. The positive attitudes, code of conduct, and supportive culture of Synchronizerz remain strong.

Other updates have been made since 2016. In 2023, Synchronizerz started evaluating and implementing organizational structure changes to better support the community. After ten years of Star Citizen development, we simplified the structure to focus on activity, community, and current gameplay. As more game loops are developed, a need to reintroduce specialized departments or divisions will occur.