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Time of Chaos / T0C

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

“Galactic civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos – we are the ocean.”


Time of Chaos is constantly on the lookout for fellow chaotic citizens to join our organisation. We welcome bootleggers, smugglers, bounty hunters & piratical parasites.

We also welcome explorers of the great unknown, honest traders, miners of the finest ores, data runners, experts in procuring or growing the finest narcotics and those seeking to understand the mysteries of all…

Whilst we number some of the cosmos’ most feared and respected pilots, we also welcome anyone prepared to throw off the yoke of galactic imperialism and oppression to join us in celebrating our truly awe inspiring chaotic cosmos.

Chaos can be witnessed in the eternal dance of dark and light. One would not exist without the other. By any means, we will seek restoration where there is imbalance. If the scourge of tyranny, order & oppression have taken hold we ensure it’s removal by any means, through the use of power and total destruction if need be.

The occasional cleansing of a system and the return to a neutral starting position is not out of the question. There is no fear of the Void; the womb of rebirth and a chance to become re-educated is the exquisite hope of our people.

Perhaps you are better motivated by the gentle scents of healing and secrets of becoming whole again. If you seek Chaos through creation, when dark and light are unified and then give birth to new possibilities, this too is part of our creed.

We accept entities of all vices, races, politics, creeds, backgrounds and religions (n.b. except Scientologists, we really hate Elron. Some of us also hate tea…and socks).


Coming soon…


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