Tier1 Medical / T1M

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Tier1Medical is proud to provide free, high quality emergency medical services.

Modelled on government-funded ambulance services on Earth, T1M charges no fees for medical rescue and hospital transport.

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First dreamt of in 2952, and still being pieced together, Tier1Medical was founded on the principles of charity – that high quality medical care should not be exclusive to those who can pay. T1M is being modelled around Old Earth ambulance services in the United Kingdom, adapting SOPs and policies to ensure a high standard of care across the civilised ‘verse.

Tier1Medical relies on charitable donations of aUEC from members of the public and Organisations alike to provide our services. To find out more about how you can help, or for more information about Corporate Sponsorship, please enquire in our Discord (coming soon).


Here at Tier1 Medical, we believe that every citizen of the UEE has a right to high quality healthcare without the barrier of cost.

That means that we don’t charge for providing our services, and we rely solely on donations from individual donors and corporate sponsors.

