Target Assault Coordination Coalition / TACC

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Security
  • Social

Bringing orgs together to further large-scale strategic goals.

TACC is not an org in the usual sense. Ideally, members should also be part of another org, for which they act as ambassador, spokesperson & point-of-contact, so that multiple orgs can be brought together in cooperative actions.


Established as a means of coordinating large-scale actions across multiple independent orgs, TACC has been set-up during the latter stages of Alpha 2.6, in preparation for going pre-live in 3.0, when initial trial operations will commence, continuing until SC goes Beta. With communication techniques & coordination protocols in place & established, TACC will go fully live once SC goes to Beta, at which point it will form a hub for the coordination of actions between member orgs.

In addition to the Spectrum communications, a discord channel will be established, details of which will be found both here & on the Spectrum main page.


TACC is primarily* a PvE cooperative.

TACC is dedicated to bringing multiple orgs together to facilitate major, player-driven impacts on the pervasive universe.

TACC makes no distinction to whether an enemy is human or alien. If they are a viable threat, they are a viable target.

TACC does not take things personally. Small pirate groups & aggressive or annoying individuals are not our business.

*The exception to the PvE approach comes in the form of anti-griefing. Piracy is fine, personal & org-wide “Beefs” are fine – these are core elements of the Star Citizen universe & are nothing to do with TACC, but should a situation arise where a large group of griefers has been positively identified, TACC will consider action against those who derive sick pleasure from causing misery to others for no good reason.


General Rules

All members of TACC are expected to act as a point-of-contact with another org, facilitating coordinated actions with that org & other orgs represented by other members of TACC.

All conduct between members is to be kept civil. Any suspected violations of this are to be brought to the Senior Coordinator (Blackhearth) or other members of the Command Council as to be assigned.

Any member who is affiliated may discuss propositions for coordinated activities with any other member or members of TACC.

Formal propositions for coordinated activities should be brought to a member of the TACC Command Council for approval.

Approved coordinated activities under the TACC banner will be authorised by members of the TACC Command Council.

Members & their represented orgs are free to engage in activities rejected by the TACC Command Council, as long as these activities:
  1. do not act against authorised activities.
  2. are not carried out under the banner of TACC.

Members & their represented orgs are free to refuse participation in authorized TACC activities. It is acknowledged that everyone has their own org & personal in-game business, not to mention real life issues like work/school, family & sleep to which they must attend ahead of any activities in-game.

TACC is physically based in the UK, as such all times for coordinated activities will be based on GMT/BST (as appropriate to the time of year). Translation between your local time & TACC time is easy, just Google or click here.

In-theatre Rules

Operational command duties will follow a loose-knit, semi-autonomous basis, whereby individual member orgs are free to direct their own forces as they wish internally, with overall command of the operation assigned to an Operation Commander (OC), who will either be the proposing member or a member of the TACC Command Council. TACC members will be expected to relay information & overall strategic requests to the rest of their org, enabling multiple orgs to operate as an extended force, with individual orgs being given roles & duties which they will be expected to comply with to the best of their abilities as a part of the overall strategy.

TACC members will be expected to provide details to the OC of what forces, specialties & preferences their orgs have, so the OC can make the best use of those forces & direct deployments in the most appropriate fashion to ensure victory & maximize the survival of participating orgs.

OCs will be expected to ensure that they are cognisant of both the forces under their overall command & – where possible – opposing forces.