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The Adventurers Guild / TAGO

  • Club
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Social
  • Exploration

From the many Isekai Anime, this aims to be a light role playing equivalent of [The Adventurers Guilds] that are part of the worlds seen in the respective anime. Join us in Adventuring and Questing!

Players will be able to put up jobs and or bounties to be taken by adventurous guild members.


The adventures guild started as a fun idea for an organization. however. Since more information about the star citizen player base has come to light. I think it would be both a interesting and well placed decision that will make The Adventures Guild more alive in the sense that players can set bounties or jobs for adventures guild members. [Payment must be discussed up front.] This is in service to combat the less friendly players of the verse that enjoy: Messing with, griefing assaulting, outright killing…
Whatever the reason may be the adventure is guild will aim to be there to assist in protecting you and your assets for a price.


[The Adventures Guild] or [The Adventures Guild Organization] shortened to [TAGO]. Aim to create a true adventures guild in the Star Citizen Universe. With light role playing and lots of adventure exploration and helping out others.


Adventurers Guild rules and guidelines. Many rules pertain to guild members. However there are still quite a few that are expected to be followed by anyone wishing to participate in Adventure’s Guild activities. Such as placing bounties.

  1. Once in the guild you are always seen as a guild member. In conclusion any violations in or out of Adventures guild time effect your role or participation in The Adventurers Guild. Participating in PvP events like “Jumptown” May be excused. Other PvP events that take place in other Communities where PvP is between attendees of the event will be excused. [If you are a participating member.]
  1. Members will reframe from immoral acts. This will include behavior that can be construed to label you as a Raider, Pirate or Griefer. Please note that anything that falls in the official Cloud Imperium Games [CIG] guidelines as “griefing” will be reported!
  1. Bounties only payout on completion. just like Any other. Just because you accept a bounty doesn’t guarantee you the payout. Inability to complete a bounty set at any rank at or below your own may incur demotation. The likelihood of demotation increases the lower the bounty rank is from your own. This will be handled on a case to case basis as things are chaotic and you may never know what will happen. Bounties may sometimes be miss labeled due to lack of information or misinformation of a given bounty. Bounty payouts should work just as they do or any other bounty. Single payout amount split between all participants of the bounty excluding the client. Yes, clients are not excluded from participating in the bounties they give out.
  1. Payment for bounties will be paid in aUEC. Out of Universe Money. [ie: Real world money.] Is not allowed! Anybody that tries to bribe/pay players with real world money will be blacklisted from adventurer’s guild services and will not be able to join in the future. Guild members that try to request or demand real world money as compensation for their services will be outright banned from the guild and blacklisted from any of its services. If a player buys aUEC With real world money from a 3rd party, then uses it as a bounty payout. The policy on this is as follows. If Guild members were aware or made aware before or during a bounty they will be banned and the client blacklisted. If the Adventurers Guild and Guild members are unaware of this 3rd party transaction until after bounty completion and payment accepted, only the client will be blacklisted. This also includes being gifted ships for completing bounties. Ships that are giftable through the Real world RSI website are more than likely purchased with real world money. And will count as involving real world money and adventures guild activities.
    [It all boils down to this. The Adventures Guild does not wish to participate or deal in real world money.]
  1. If a contract was not on an official Adventures Guild Bounty board it is considered freelance work. Regardless, guild members that Do Not complete bounties do not get paid. Guild members that attempt to, or succeed in Pushing a client into paying up front, and even worse not completing the job after doing so will be reprimanded. Could result in suspension, demotation or expulsion.
  1. Involving somebody that is banned or blacklisted from the adventurous Guild In any activities that pertain to the guild may result in suspension or expulsion. The level of severity of the individual’s offense will heavily play into a punishment if there is one. Lower level offenses may allow a player that is proving themselves to the guild may be allowed to rejoin it or be un-blacklisted. If a previously band player rejoins the guild any offenses will make another expulsion permanent regardless of offense. In a sense they get a second chance, and if they blow it again they’re out for good.
  1. Just because your bounty gets placed on the bounty board does not guarantee anyone will take it.
  1. All bounties must be of a legal nature. Bounties that will ask Guild members to attack other players where the guild members are seen as aggressors. The bounty will be rejected. Bounties that are not on official bounty boards that require a player to attack other players That violate rule #2 Will result in expulsion. Any counter arguments would like to reframe to rule #1.
  1. A minimum price for a bounty must be set. Prices will vary due to rank, severity of danger and tasks that need to be performed. There are no set confines on what a bounty can be. A bounty can be anything from come help me load, unload and deliver packages. All the way up to hiring a group of people to assist in defending or retaking a location.
  1. Everyone involved in adventurous guild activities Are real people. From Getting a bounty placed, to accepting and to completing a bounty. Everything is done by real people and deserve to be treated with respect. If Guild members or client come up against other players that can be labeled as pirates, griefers or raiders these individuals may be excluded from this rule. This is not giving anyone the permission to be outright hateful towards other people. Phrases like “kill yourself” And others to a similar severity are unacceptable. Simply put you don’t have to be respectful to somebody that is actively being an antagonist towards you. Keep in mind blowing up at them may be exactly what they want. “Salt farmers” fall under the category of Raider.
  1. If an individual has fallen under the category of “Pirate”, “Griefer”, “Raider” or any other antagonistic group. They will be prohibited from joining the Avengers Guild, and blacklisted from its services.