Tau Alliance / TAUALLI

  • Club
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

The Tau Alliance is a group of like-minded medium sized Organisations with the goal of establishing stronger relations to improve and protect our economic, political, and military standing in the ‘Verse.


Initially forming around the nucleus of Levski, the later named Tau Alliance is active in several remote systems like Pyro.
Systems when viewed from Earth and Terra are merely dim lights, hardly notable in their constellations (hence the ordinal letter Tau).
Knowing they were too far away from any so-called civilisation (wanted or unwanted), the Organisations of the Tau Alliance came together with a frontier spirit, understanding that any problems they did not solve by themselves would not be solved for them.

The Ancient Greek letter “tau” was also chosen as a symbol of life and resurrection; the first attempt at an alliance between the founding organisations was marred by deception and attempts to undermine their sovereignty.

Undeterred, these founding members were emboldened to build from the ashes a stronger alliance:
Tau Alliance !

Signing it’s founding document,
the Treaty of Levsky,
at 06.Sept.2950.


The Tau Alliance is a group of like-minded medium sized Organisations with the goal of establishing stronger relations to improve our economic, political, and military standing in the ‘Verse. Once a part of the Alliance, our Member Organizations gain access to our policy of mutual defense, combat expertise, industry knowledge, and most importantly a vast number of friendly faces in all corners of the Universe.

For official motions the Assembly of Organisations convenes (in the Verse or digitally) to vote and decide on important topics. In the Assembly, all Member Organisations are assured of retaining control over their individual Organisations and members; equal voting power, regardless of size; and having a neutral party to direct Assembly discussions.

While this may all sound stiff and official, at the end of the day the ultimate and foundational goal of the Tau Alliance is to bring people together and support each other in our adventures across the ‘Verse.


The High Contracting Parties assembled here in the City of Levski on the planetoid of Delamar in the system of Nyx, in seeking equitable representation, friendly relations, and to ensure freedom of navigation and commerce in the vast expanse of space will: employ their engines of industry for greater economic and societal advancement; provide for mutual defense against any threat of aggression, and construct a neutral forum for arbitration and resolution. Therefore, we the undersigned, enter willingly into this alliance for these ends and hereby ratify the following articles:

Well, dear reader, those are the first lines of the Treaty of Levski.
In full it is 15 pages long, so a bit of a tough read here.

But if you’re interested in joining,
we’ll gladly welcome you to our Information Net: >click here< .
and will provide you with a full copy during your initiation.