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Corvi Vindicta / TBCM

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Resources

Corvi Vindicta was born out of the tragedy of the fall of Virgil. They are dedicated to enacting vengeance on the Vanduul for the victims of their murderous rampage. They have taken their name in honor of the legendary 214th “Black Crows” squadron.


Virgil was an accident. In 2412 Alaine Viktus discovered the jump point to the system that would be known as Virgil completely by chance. Scientists identified Virgil I as the most outstanding candidate for terraforming ever discovered due to geographic characteristics and the strongest concentrations of desirable soil nutrients known to exist anywhere. Within ten years, the most rapid development project yet, Virgil I was terraformed, and a thriving human colony was quickly established and became the poster planet for terraforming and colonization.

In 2736 The Vanduul had devastated the Tiber system and Virgil had become the front line in a growing conflict that saw loss after loss for humanity. In 2737 the Vanduul arrived in force and steamrolled the UEE Naval presence in short order. The only redeeming aspect of this loss was the heroic action of the 214th squadron, known as The Black Crows. The Crows would launch multiple sorties into hostile space to escort civilian transport ships through the Vanduul fleet to safety, sacrificing many men and women to do so.

Many transports made their way to the Vega system to find refuge and safety among the growing military presence there while many more refugees would settle down and find new homes in new systems to build new lives. Some would only think of vengeance. In 2740 a group of Virgil’s survivors banded together to form the core of what would become known as the Corvi Vindicta or Vengeance of the Crows. Taking their name in honor of the legendary Black Crows who sacrificed so many of their own to save the people of Virgil. They swore to honor the 214th’s sacrifice and ensure it was not made in vain. Since their pact, they have been bringing survivors of Vanduul raids into their fold, providing safety in numbers and establishing themselves as a self-sufficient para-military group who are fiercely loyal to each other and won’t shy from a fight in defense of their comrades.

When not on rescue and recovery operations in the aftermath of Vanduul raids they are often gathering materials and salvage to support their own operations and outposts while stockpiling arms, munitions, and supplies for their inevitable confrontations with the Vanduul. They openly share intelligence with the UEE Navy and have performed reconnaissance for them in areas of space the UEE Navy did not want to show an official presence. Recently, they have moved into the Stanton system, taking advantage of the loose mining and salvage regulations, and undertaking a recruitment drive, looking for those who wish to strike back against the Vanduul.




Corvi Vindicta Charter and Guidelines
Updated as of July 30, 2024
Subject to change as Star Citizen development continues and Corvi Vindicta grows.

1. Rules and Conduct 1. Respect and Decorum
• No racism, xenophobia, religious discrimination, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or extreme political views. Personal beliefs should be kept private to maintain a respectful and inclusive environment.
• We aim to avoid negative attention, especially since some members stream on platforms like Twitch. We want to uphold the reputation of Corvi Vindicta.

2. Dispute Resolution • The Commander’s decisions are final. Swift action will be taken against any inappropriate behavior to maintain a positive and cooperative community.

2. Rank Structure and Responsibilities

Affiliate (Formerly Recruit)
• Role: Affiliates are not full members and have no voting rights on org initiatives. They may participate in some community events.
• Path to Membership:
• Full Membership: Complete the trial period, pass the Basic Training Curriculum (BTC) examination, and conform to Exclusivity standards to be promoted to Private.
• Long-term Affiliate: Remain as an Affiliate without completing the BTC exam. Affiliates have limited participation rights and cannot be promoted to Private.

• Role: Full members with voting rights and participation in all org activities.
• Specialization: Members can choose a specific role (e.g., Medical Specialist, Mining Specialist) and join specialist teams.
• Requirements:
• Maintain knowledge of ground combat, turret operations, and basic engineering.
• Complete the BTC examination to confirm knowledge and skills.
• Promotion: Eligible for promotion to Sergeant after one month, contingent on demonstrating leadership and training abilities.

• Role: Responsible for recruiting, training new members, and ensuring compliance with org rules. Act as team leaders for various operations (mining, salvage, medical, etc.).
• Promotion: Eligible for promotion to Lieutenant after serving for at least six months. Promotion decisions are made collectively by the Commander and Officers.

Lieutenant and Captain
• Lieutenant: Officers who assist in daily management and implementation of directives. They work closely with Department heads and oversee training sessions.
• Captain: Senior officers with specific administrative duties. Roles and responsibilities may be adjusted as Corvi Vindicta grows.

• Role: The ultimate authority in Corvi Vindicta. The Commander’s decisions are final.

3. Training and Development

Basic Training Curriculum (BTC)
• Purpose: To ensure all members have a fundamental understanding of key gameplay mechanics.
• Topics Covered:
• Standard Ship Use: Navigation, combat, component upgrades, basic mining and salvage, and basic engineering.
FPS Mechanics: Use of grenades, flares, weapon modifications, and armor types.
• Pyro Multi-Tool & Attachment: Tractor beam, first aid, hand mining, salvage, and repair tools.
• Medicine and Respawning: Use of medical items, wound diagnosis, treating overdoses, and using medical beds.
• Resources: Tutorial videos are available in the “btc-exam-series” channel on the Discord server. Sergeants and Officers can provide additional guidance.

Exclusivity Policy

Finalized Rules:
• Affiliates: Allowed to have affiliations with other organizations. Affiliates are not full members and have limited participation rights within Corvi Vindicta.
• Privates and Above: Required to maintain exclusivity with Corvi Vindicta. Full members cannot hold affiliations with other organizations, ensuring their primary and most active involvement is with Corvi Vindicta. This policy helps maintain a focused and committed community.

4. Roles and Responsibilities

Commander (SC_Dreki)
• The ultimate authority in Corvi Vindicta. SC_Dreki oversees all organizational aspects, ensures adherence to rules, and makes final decisions on disputes and major strategic directions. The Commander is responsible for the overall vision and leadership of the organization, guiding Corvi Vindicta’s growth and ensuring a cohesive, respectful, and productive community.

Chief of Staff (Nomad)
• Oversees staff issues, organization of sub-departments, and maintaining an up-to-date roster of member information.

Adjutant General (B Stizzle)
• Manages administrative tasks and ensures smooth operation of the org in coordination with the Commander.

Executive Officer (Liberteabag)
• Implements directives from the senior officers, manages day-to-day operations, and coordinates with Department heads for training sessions.

Medical Department Head (Mysterio)
• Leads the Medical Department, ensuring proper training and readiness for medical-related missions.

Industrial Department Head (Filthy_Casualtv)
• Leads the Industrial Department, overseeing operations related to mining, salvage, and other industrial activities.

5. Uniforms and Equipment
• Standard Issue Armor: A designated light armor/flight suit in black, with color-coded elements corresponding to rank. The Commander has provided enough for all members. Uniform details and acquisition are managed through the provided spreadsheet.

6. Member Status
Inactive & EtR (Eligible to Return)
• Criteria: Members absent for 6-8 weeks without contact are placed in this category. Rank privileges may be lost, but members can retain their rank upon reestablishing contact, unless their position has been filled.
• Members of allied organizations. Allies can participate in most events but do not have voting rights on Corvi Vindicta initiatives.

7. Contact and Communication
• Questions and Concerns: Members are encouraged to reach out to Sergeants or Officers for any questions or concerns. Open communication helps maintain a well-organized and cohesive community.
• Important Updates: Major announcements and updates are communicated via the Discord server. Members are expected to stay informed by regularly checking the relevant channels.

This document reflects the current structure and policies of Corvi Vindicta as we continue to grow