Defenders of the Stars / TDOTS

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  • Security

Hello, everyone! I’m CaptainRatix, and welcome to the Defenders of the Stars landing page. We are a not-for-profit organization to focuses to increase enjoyment overall throughout the stars. As there may be many different needs out there, We want to provide general support to all aspects of life.


The Beginning:
When CaptainRatix returned to Stanton in early-to-mid 2952, He saw the system’s ambitions, but what he did not see much of, is the means to carry those ambitions out. Then he, along with SgtNighthawk, founded The DotS with a goal to help the system fulfill those ambitious dreams, but with the predicted looming economy reset set to occur in late 2952, they decided to hold off, and spend the time to further learn the needs of the system. In 2953, the time became fast-approaching to where we would need to begin serving our fellow citizens.


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