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The Darkstar Directive / TDSD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Chart the Unknown.

Secure the Future.

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The Darkstar Directive began in 2932 as a strategic initiative within a powerful interstellar corporation, initially focused on securing valuable resources in remote and hazardous regions of space. Recognizing the growing threats of piracy and corporate espionage, the corporation sought to bolster its capabilities by merging with a highly skilled private security force. This merger gave rise to The Darkstar Directive, an organization that combined the exploratory prowess of the corporation with the combat expertise of the security force, creating a formidable entity capable of both pushing the boundaries of known space and defending its interests.

From its inception, The Darkstar Directive operated with a clear and focused mission: to chart unexplored star systems, secure critical trade routes, and establish a network of fortified outposts in key locations across the Stanton system and beyond. Unlike other exploration teams, the Directive was equipped not just for discovery, but also for defense, with a fleet of heavily armed vessels and elite security forces capable of neutralizing threats before they could endanger their operations. Their early successes in both exploration and security quickly set them apart, earning them a reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

By the mid-2940s, the Directive had transitioned from being a mere corporate division to a semi-autonomous entity, still loyal to its corporate origins but with the freedom to pursue its own objectives. This newfound autonomy allowed the Directive to expand its operations, delving deeper into uncharted space and securing contracts with other entities that valued their unique blend of exploration, security, and logistical expertise. Their growing influence in the Stanton system led to alliances with other powerful organizations and a steady influx of resources and personnel.

Today, The Darkstar Directive stands as a formidable organization with a clear purpose and a proud history of success. Their outposts are spread across multiple star systems, serving as hubs of trade, security, and exploration. Their members are among the best in their fields, driven by a shared commitment to expanding humanity’s reach while safeguarding the prosperity they’ve built. In the vast and unpredictable universe, The Darkstar Directive continues to thrive, constantly seeking new frontiers to conquer and new challenges to overcome.


I. Vision Beyond the Stars

The Darkstar Directive exists to push the boundaries of known space, driven by the relentless pursuit of discovery. We believe that the future of humanity lies in the uncharted regions of the universe, where new worlds, resources, and opportunities await. Our purpose is to lead the way, not just for ourselves, but for all who dare to dream of what lies beyond.

II. Strength Through Unity

We are more than just explorers, traders, and warriors—we are a unified force with a shared mission. The strength of The Darkstar Directive lies in our collective expertise, honed through years of experience in the farthest reaches of space. Together, we stand as a bulwark against the chaos of the cosmos, ensuring that our discoveries and trade routes are protected, our allies are defended, and our enemies are defeated.

III. Honor in All Endeavors

In every action, we uphold the highest standards of honor and integrity. Whether we are negotiating trade agreements, exploring uncharted territories, or engaging in combat, we conduct ourselves with respect, fairness, and a commitment to our principles. The Darkstar Directive does not waver in the face of adversity; we stand by our values and our comrades, no matter the cost.

IV. Prosperity Through Innovation

The wealth of The Darkstar Directive is not merely in the resources we gather or the territories we secure, but in the innovations we bring to the galaxy. We seek out new technologies, pioneering methods, and groundbreaking discoveries that not only benefit our organization but advance the capabilities of humanity as a whole. Our trade networks are the lifeblood of our success, fueling our continued growth and expansion.

V. The Frontier is Our Destiny

We are the pioneers of the new frontier, and it is our destiny to explore, secure, and thrive in the unknown. Every star system we chart, every outpost we establish, and every trade route we secure brings us closer to realizing the full potential of the universe. The Darkstar Directive is committed to leading this charge, blazing trails where others fear to tread, and building a legacy that will endure for generations to come.

VI. Commitment to Our Members

Our strength comes from our members, and their success is our success. The Darkstar Directive is dedicated to providing the resources, support, and opportunities that each member needs to thrive. We foster a culture of mentorship, collaboration, and mutual respect, ensuring that every member of the Directive can achieve their full potential as part of our collective mission.

VII. Ever Vigilant, Ever Ready

In a universe filled with uncertainty and danger, The Darkstar Directive remains ever vigilant. We are prepared to face any threat, overcome any obstacle, and seize any opportunity. Our security forces stand ready to defend our interests, while our explorers and traders continue to expand our reach. We are always ready to adapt, evolve, and rise to the challenges of the unknown.

VIII. For the Future of Humanity

The Darkstar Directive believes in a future where humanity thrives among the stars, free from the constraints of the past and the limits of the present. Our mission is not just to survive, but to prosper—to build a new era of exploration, security, and trade that will secure our place in the galaxy. Together, we will forge a path to a brighter, more prosperous future for all who follow in our wake.


The Darkstar Directive is established as a collective of explorers, traders, and security specialists dedicated to pushing the boundaries of known space, securing vital trade routes, and protecting our interests and allies across the universe. United by a common vision, we pledge to uphold the values of honor, integrity, and innovation in all our endeavors. This Charter outlines the structure, responsibilities, and guiding principles of The Darkstar Directive.

Article I: Purpose and Objectives

Section 1: Purpose
The primary purpose of The Darkstar Directive is to explore uncharted regions of space, secure critical assets and trade routes, and foster a prosperous and united organization. We seek to expand humanity’s reach into the stars while ensuring the safety and success of our members.

Section 2: Objectives
To conduct exploratory missions into uncharted star systems and document new discoveries.
To establish and maintain secure trade routes that connect key systems and outposts.
To provide top-tier security services for our members and allies, protecting against piracy, corporate espionage, and other threats.
To foster innovation and collaboration within our organization, advancing our capabilities in technology, strategy, and commerce.
To build and maintain a strong, supportive community where all members can thrive and contribute to the Directive’s mission.

Article II: Organizational Structure

Section 1: Leadership Council
The Leadership Council is the governing body of The Darkstar Directive, responsible for strategic decision-making, resource allocation, and maintaining the overall direction of the organization.


Commander: The highest-ranking officer, responsible for the overall leadership of the Directive, including strategic planning, diplomacy, and final decision-making authority.
Councilors: A group of senior officers, each overseeing a specific division (Exploration, Security, Trade, etc.). Councilors report directly to the Commander and are responsible for the operational success of their respective divisions.

Section 2: Divisions
The Directive is organized into specialized divisions, each focused on a core aspect of our mission.

Exploration Division: Responsible for conducting deep-space missions, charting new star systems, and managing scientific research.
Security Division: Tasked with the protection of our assets, members, and trade routes, as well as the execution of tactical operations.
Trade Division: Manages the organization’s economic interests, including trade routes, negotiations, and resource acquisition.
Logistics Division: Oversees the supply chains, fleet management, and infrastructure necessary to support the Directive’s operations.

Section 3: Membership
Ranks: Members are assigned ranks based on their experience, contributions, and leadership abilities. Promotions are granted by the Council.
Responsibilities: All members are expected to contribute to the Directive’s mission, whether through participation in exploratory missions, security operations, trade activities, or other organizational needs.

Article III: Code of Conduct

Section 1: Honor and Integrity
Members of The Darkstar Directive must conduct themselves with honor and integrity at all times. This includes honesty in communication, fairness in dealings, and respect for fellow members and allies.

Section 2: Collaboration and Teamwork
The success of the Directive depends on the cooperation and collaboration of its members. Members are expected to work together, share knowledge, and support one another in achieving our collective goals.

Section 3: Loyalty and Commitment
Loyalty to The Darkstar Directive and its mission is paramount. Members must prioritize the organization’s interests and work towards its success, both individually and collectively.

Section 4: Zero Tolerance for Misconduct
The Darkstar Directive maintains a zero-tolerance policy for misconduct, including but not limited to piracy, theft, and harassment. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion from the organization.

Article IV: Decision-Making and Dispute Resolution

Section 1: Decision-Making
Decisions within The Darkstar Directive are made by the Leadership Council, with input from the membership when appropriate. Major decisions, such as strategic shifts or significant alliances, may be put to a vote among the Councilors.

Section 2: Dispute Resolution
In the event of a dispute between members, the matter should first be addressed through direct communication. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute may be brought before the Leadership Council for mediation and final determination.

Article V: Amendments and Revisions

Section 1: Amendments
This Charter may be amended by a majority vote of the Leadership Council. Proposals for amendments can be submitted by any Councilor and must be reviewed and discussed by the Council before a vote is taken.

Section 2: Revisions
Revisions to the Charter, including structural changes or the addition of new Articles, require a two-thirds majority vote of the Leadership Council. All members will be informed of any significant changes to the Charter.

Article VI: Dissolution

Section 1: Dissolution Procedure
In the unlikely event that The Darkstar Directive must be dissolved, the Leadership Council will oversee the orderly winding down of operations. This includes the fair distribution of assets, settlement of any outstanding obligations, and the final reporting to all members.

Section 2: Legacy and Records
Upon dissolution, a record of The Darkstar Directive’s history, achievements, and contributions will be preserved and shared with all remaining members. The legacy of the Directive will be honored, and its memory will endure among those who served and benefited from its mission.

We, the members of The Darkstar Directive, commit ourselves to the principles and goals outlined in this Charter. Together, we will explore the unknown, secure our future, and build a prosperous and enduring legacy among the stars.