Department of Galactic Justice / TEAMJUDGE

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Resources

Discord info



While the game is nearing completion over the next year, we would like to build one of the largest groups in the Star Citizen Universe. With a group this large, we will accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out a place in space just for Department of Galactic Justice.

What We Are Looking For:

We are looking for inspired players to make up all the professions that Star Citizen will offer. As the game draws closer, we will nail down unit officer positions you might be interested in. If you want to pursue it, and you demonstrate motivation, knowledge and skill in your area of expertise, we have responsibility for YOU!

What We Offer:

1. Mutual respect to everyone, member or ally. We will work together with our friends and allies to create an enjoyable experience in the Star Citizen Universe.

2. Community Impact.

3. Space Superiority. Through our established leadership channels and well trained military and mercenary units, we will maintain the highest levels of readiness for combat and ensure secure shipping lanes, making Department of Galactic Justice controlled space the safest place to do business.

Department of Galactic Justice Mission

The Department of Galactic Justice Fleet’s overall goal is to have fun in Star Citizen. However, this does not mean that we will not strive to be one of the best. At launch, Department of Galactic Justice plans to take over an area in fringe(null-sec) space to establish our operations and expand.

Command Structure
Our Command Structure is second to none.
We will have complete Squadrons, each as a self contained unit.
Every Squadron will have a Military, Diplomacy, Trade and Commerce presents allowing for greater freedom of game play.
While maximizing the fleets effectiveness.

Fleet Commanders
Squadron Commanders
Squadron Leader

A benefit of Department of Galactic Justice’s location will allow us to be one of the richest in the game. We will have access to some of the rarest materials. This will be a trickle down effect, explorers to find the minerals, miners to extract, transports to move, and military to protect.

Our military will be second to none. While we will command massive numbers, we won’t be superior for that fact alone. A training program is in the works and will begin with Alpha.
Our fleet will be a home for any and all pilots that are like minded and drama free. One important aspect we will encourage is open divisions. While everyone will have a primary division, when duty calls, we plan on allowing our members to experience any and all of the game mechanics/specialties.

We will offer & support the following divisions, excluding piracy:


Members will have access to our,
Team Speak 3
Private Forums
Org Facebook
Org Youtube Channel
which will include the guidance you need for success.
We have already built a great community and that’s the first step!
Apply Today!


Organization Rules and Regulations:

• Members shall represent us through their use of proper avatars, signatures and tags. This applies to the RSIforums and on TeamSpeak, for example [DGJ] XXXXX.

• Members must honor any ransoms or tolls agreed upon. Failure to do so will result in immediate disciplinary action, possibly resulting in expulsion from the organization.

• Members are expected to act in a manner that will not detract from the image of DEPARTMENT OF GALACTIC JUSTICE.

• Members must keep updated on latest news, intelligence and faction standings.

• Members are to respect one another and use common courtesies..

• Members are expected to keep any information regarding areas of operation, fleet or squadron composition, targets or other vital information confidential.

• Members are required to be on TeamSpeak at all times when in game.

• Any internal issues you have are not to be aired in public, please raise them with an Major or Captain.

• Any issues regarding a member should be brought to the attention of an Major or Captain.

• No joining other organizations.

TeamSpeak (TS) Rules, Expectations, and Guidelines:

• Members shall represent themselves through their use of proper avatars, signatures and tags. For example [DGJ] XXXXX.

• No spamming, whether its voice, text or channel hopping.

• No excessive private messaging or poking of others.

• Don’t give out TeamSpeak info unless authorized to do so.

• If someone else is speaking, allow them to finish.

• Keep chat and links appropriate to who is around you.

• If someone asks you to turn the language down a notch, please respect it if you know it was a tad excessive.

• Respect those on TeamSpeak

• Stick to the appropriate channels both in and out of game.

• When in group engagements, listen to the Squadron or Fleet commander. Do not talk over him. Raise any issues with Organization director or executives.

• Disciplined communications when fighting – give clear, concise info on numbers, ship types, which organization etc.

• See also the General Rules and Regulations from the section above.

Fleet Rules and Regulations:

• Members shall represent us through their use of DEPARTMENT OF GALACTIC JUSTICE tags, logos and insignia at all times.

• Members are not to shoot those who have agreed to pay DEPARTMENT OF GALACTIC JUSTICE for safe passage.

• Members are not to engage allied/friendly ships unless in self-defense.

• Apply the TeamSpeak and General rules/guidelines from the sections above.