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Tekkaden / TEKKA

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

- Tekkaden -


STAR-RYCJ-9L3G – Org Referral Code

Recruitment – Application/Invite only

Doctrine – Guild

– Public Notice –
Traders – Direct trade enquiries to our OF-9 Officers.
Bounty – Direct bounty enquires to our Recruitment Officers or OF-9’s.


Tekkaden is a new name with a long span of history in it’s shadow. Tekkaden was not materialised until Sunday, 15 May 2016 when the founders of a precursor organisation collectively decided to branch out into Star Citizen under a new name and colour.

Tekkaden’s doctrine has been crafted in popular military simulators such as Arma2, Arma3, Squad and Elite: Dangerous respectively.


Trust, Cooperation, Top Banter.


A welcome package will be sent to new org members including; Tekkaden’s Rules, Regulations, Terms of Service & Discord invitation.