Knights Templar Command / TEMPLE

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Security

Honor your brothers and sisters; children of the Verse.
[Security escorts, trading, cargo transportation, bounty hunting, vigilantes, protectors, fighters, social.]
We fulfill all jobs, safeguard our friends, and battle alongside our allies]
Fight for what is right.


How we began…

“In the year 2125, the Mars Tragedy hit home for a lot of people back on earth. Many lost loved one’s and friends to this misfortune. One older gentlemen in-particular was especially devastated; Father Renaldo Klar, otherwise known as “Father Glass”. Klar was a catholic priest voluntarily stationed on one of the Intergalactic Space Stations called the ISS Manchester. When news of the tragedy finally got back to earth Father Klar was one of the first individuals to volunteer cleanup duty on Mars’ surface. He begged permission for the Station’s superiors to let him go and consecrate remains and give final rights to those of the catholic faith that walked upon Mars to let their souls be at rest.

Since Klar was not an official member of the military, just a volunteer, he had to find his own way of getting to the surface, as every available vessel was to be used for getting personnel and equipment to Mars, none could spare the weight and room for him. Hours went by and no one on the station had an empty seat, beside himself with grief he finally gave up and retired to his quarters to wallow in lament for this bad fortune.
When suddenly a young man by the name of Jason West found him in his room. He too was a volunteer on the station as a local trader and offered support of Klar’s goal, for West was a recently transformed Catholic after attending one of Klar’s numerous sermons on the Manchester.

Through tears of joy and a loving embrace Klar arose and said: “There are no words to speak that could describe my happiness. Except thank you my boy…”.

Father Klar was allowed access to Mars, he helped bless the bodies of those lost, others felt inspired by his story and life and spread word of his good deeds and kind heart. He had gained a following in just a few short years; bringing faith and happiness to those around him, and in 2150, Mars was finally terraformed and declared secure. Klar and his followers settled on Mars and thus the Knight’s Templar Command was born. Traders and soldiers throughout the colony frequently visited his home and cathedral on Mars for enlightenment and sometimes simply to just relax and converse with a now older Klar. In the year 2167 Klar was buried and his remains consecrated at the age of 102. These words were written on his memorial: “Thou will not be judged on the travels thru time and space when the soul leaves the vessel, rather thou shall be judged by ones heart, honor, and good deeds.” -Father Glass (Klar). Many people from all cultures and religions came to pay their respects for a man who believed he was doing the best for all, and gave his all.

In 2232 during the first colonial flight dozens of members of KTC were on board the Artemis when she disappeared form our stars. Those souls would later receive their own memorial alongside Klar’s on Mars. This memorial would be known as the ‘Souls of Countless Stars’, where every member of the Command who has passed on will have their name etched into the memory of everlasting stone.

KTC membership would later stretch to every colony from Earth and Beyond, and during the formation of the UEE, prominent voices would be heard throughout the delegations, some even bearing the insignia of the Command. In the year 2516, with the terraformation of planet 342A.03M AKA “Terra”, the capitol Prime will become the site of the first ever formal recognition and formation of the Knight’s Templar Command as a trading and security organization. The members uphold the ideals of Father Glass just as he upheld the old ways of the Templar Knights from earth.

During his command and campaign against the Tevarin menace, surrounding the years of 2546, Ivar Messer worked secretly with the Knight’s Templar Command to run supply and security escorts for various military personnel and civilians on the fringes of the human sectors. Unfortunately during these secret covenants the KTC saw it’s fair share of troubling times. Human sympathizers for the Tevarin tried to intervene a small group of Templar members from giving the location of Tevarin vessels to the UEE. The Templar members were outnumbered and unable to flee without losing sight of the Tevarin ships. Not knowing that the Tevarin crafts were non-military vessels and full of refugees and civilians, they opened fire on the Tevarin ships for fear they were transporting weapons to use against the UEE. After realization of their wrongdoing, the small fleet of Templar members fled. Rumor holds that the ghost of their vessels still roam the Verse seeking to redeem themselves, reappearing to aid wondering merchants and civilians against pirates and Vanduul raiders, then just as quickly fading away into the darkness of space. Some have disregarded these stories as mere imagination, and delusions, while others have claimed to have seen them and even communicated with their vessels. Gossip, legends, and rumors have unofficially dubbed these fallen knights, “The Wanderers…”

Over the years we have evolved from a simple faith based group of individuals, to a large enterprise built on the honor and respect of each other and our allies. We help out around the Verse as best we can knowing that our continued efforts and the bond of our brothers and sisters, there is nothing in this Galaxy we cannot overcome.

We are immovable, may our will never wane.

Knight’s prevail!”
- The Command

We are now a growing league of Commanders, Merchants, Civilians, Politicians, Travelers, and every other walk of life. Our simple goal in the universe is tell the world there is light in the darkness of space. We are the friends of the stars, and we will never turn down anyone who needs a helping hand.

If our allies are in danger we will aid them without a second thought. We will pursue knowledge over power.


-“Our motives are simple, and our goals very clear.

Everyone is an equal, and shall have no fear.

You do what is right, in the end you’ll prevail.

A just heart and clear mind are stronger than mail.

May the stars light our path, and our swords strike true.

Make sure its your honor, not your pocket, that grew.”-


1 – Members are to never engage active aggression against allies or any allied factions that the Command has correspondence with.

2 – Every member has the right to defend themselves against any aggressor; foreign or domestic.

3 – The killing of civilians or unarmed personnel will be met with disciplinary actions. (Immediate membership termination dependent upon severity.)

4 – Unlawful crimes such as, piracy, smuggling or trafficking of contraband, aggressive behavior, and slander will be met with appropriate disciplinary actions.

5 – Members will not speak on behalf of the Command in diplomatic discussions with allies or potential allies without the knowledge or consent of the Command.

6 – Members in an active rank of Knight Grand Officer, Knight Commander, Knight Officer, and Knight Sargent cannot be apart of another organization. Members in the bottom ranks of Knight and Recruit are free to have multiple secondary organizations.

7 – Members are hereby expected to uphold the privacy, personal information, and honor of their fellow members and allies, and to always safeguard their integrity.

8 – No member shall be without a fellow Templar when actively engaged in a planned combat situation. This does not apply to random pirate attacks.

9 – No one, in the Command is above the other. We are all equal. If you have a problem or complaint, speak with one of the leaders.

10 – A member must never choose reward over doing what is right.

11 – The Verse is our home. Protect her and her children, and may the stars smile upon us.

Ships Currently Owned By Command.
- Aurora LN
- Cutlass Black

Hangars Currently Owned By Command
- Self-Land
- Aeroview
- Revel & York
- VGF Industrial