T-Girls Gaming / TGGS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Transport
  • Medical

All Trans-femme Alliance dedicated to serving the People of the galaxy

————————————————ORG IS INVITE ONLY———————————————-

—————————Recruitment is handled through our discord—————————


Formed after the events of the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2952. Three individuals working in Stanton came together with a formative idea to work together. With skills in mining, aerospace, combat and trade, this team expanded into the one of the top hardworking, trustworthy, transport and medical companies serving the galaxy.

Following the ‘Seige of Orison’ by the Nine Tails affiliated outlaws in early 2953, The TGG Alliance garnered more members and allies.
some whom had experience in combat, others whom had been apart of racing groups through out the universe.
Through the new Director of Racing, TGG formed it’s first Galactic Racing Team. Debuting at the Crux Cup our team aims to represent the TGG Community and it’s many members.


———————————————————————————-ABOUT US ——————————————————————————-

We are the OFFICIAL guild/clan Star Citizen offshoot for the T-Girls Gaming Community on discord.
==All of our normal rulings through discord remain the same through out Star Citizen=======
However, whilst we operate in the galaxy, we are obliged to the following regulations:

  • 1.) To uphold the UEE Laws, Planatary Laws, Sectorial Laws And Armed conflict Laws in good standing
  • 2.) To oblige all contractual constraints and regulations.
  • 3.) To provide transport to those in need, however if criminal standing is above a CS2, you are oblidged not to provide transport.
  • 4.) To provide medical support to those in need regardless of Criminal standing
  • 5.) Provide Alliance members with help if required.
  • 6.) To put the Alliance first.

-Financial renumeration for Alliance activities is paid weekly.

-As Part of the Alliance Initiative, We offer Training in the following;

  • Logistical and Operational Support
  • Flight training
  • Basic and advanced firearms handling
  • Mining and Terraforming Equipment Training

————-Check the Charter for Alliance Work Rosters—————-

=========== Board Of Directors ===========
———————— Director of Logistics, AkishaB133 ————————-

—————— Director of Human Resources, Sclisca ———————

—————— Director of AeroSpace Combat, PuppySl** ———————-

——————Director of Galactic Racing, Zolner —————————————



—————————————Coordinator, JarielEldan———————————————

—————————————Coordinator, GhoRazgriz——————————————


—————————————ALLIED ORGANISATIONS—————————————-



———————————————Alliance Work Rosters——————————————— To Continue running the Alliance our Board of Directors have established a Roster of activities that bolster our Alliances financial foothold in UEE Territories.

Tuesday – Transport minerals

Wednesday – Mining

Thursday – Mining

Friday – Security Enforcment

Saturday – Transport minerals

Alliance activities are currently postponed whilst Ahumahai Ring practice takes place for the crux cup.
As part of this, we are offering flight training only.