• PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Scouting

Welcome to the Polaris Club Captain,

Our intention is to regroup and connect Polaris Captains, to establish and make available a complementary group of highly professional and trained captains and thus compose a network available for the commitments of the UEE and other organizations.


The Great Polaris Armada (TGPA) was created in 2950 and its part of the UEE Navy militia initiative. This complementary military organisation ONLY accepts Polaris owners on its ranks!

The Polaris-Class Corvette is our everyday tool… the ship was fast-tracked for development following the 2945 Vanduul attack on the Vega System. The request-for-proposal specified a smaller, first-response alternative to the Idris-class frigates currently serving with both the UEE Navy and private concerns. Roberts Space Industries’ Polaris bid was selected due to its unique combination of a fully equipped small craft hangar and an array of torpedo tubes that let it punch above its weight class.

As part of the UEE Militia Mobilization Initiative, the Polaris is being made available to Citizens so they can protect contested and dangerous regions around the Empire. The UEE military will also utilize the Polaris as a standard patrol and picket ship, where it is expected to be especially effective supporting larger fleet movements. A percentage of funds from the Polaris sale is used to support continued mobilization and relief efforts across the Empire.


We are independent but also a pro UEE military militia. We help and protect the people! We are RP friendly also… Our main goal is to regroup all possible Polaris Captains to provide and deploy a tremendous attack/defence force against any ennemy threat, to provide help and security in the UEE territory, participate in the operation Pitchfork and to help others organizations on the battlefield.

In this Org you will be THE ship Captain, you will be free to establish and organize your crew as you want.

The more we are, the stronger our deterrent will be.

The TGPA will provide training every week, each captain will be given a hull number which will be defined according to its efficiency, the composition of its crew (human or NPC) and the devices/ships available on board.

Our main missions will be to help the UEE Navy in high/low intensity combat missions. We will also sell our services and power to others pro UEE Orgs asking for help and security!

Our secondary missions will be:

Anti-piracy operations.
Rescue vessels/Search and rescue.
Duty of accompaniment (Escorts).
Search and Destroy missions.

Join us Captains … you can be a permanent member or affiliate with us, play your role and be part of this terrible strike force and thus live intense moments in epic space battles!

Our motto is:

Individually we are strong, together we are unbeatable!



The Polaris class ship is a relatively small capital ship with high speed and striking power that is primarily offensive.
The weapons consist of torpedos, laser cannons and missiles.
Its main defensive strength lies in its “small size”, its speed, its maneuverability, its low profile and its ability to move discreetly at low speed.

The main mission of the Polaris corvettes is to attack escorts and enemy capitals ships.
Their high speed and torpedo weapons make them particularly suitable for surprise attacks against enemy vessels, at night or in low visibility.

The secondary functions that Polaris corvettes can sometimes be called upon to perform are listed as follows:

a) Anti-piracy operations.
b) Rescue vessel / Search and rescue.
c) Duty of accompaniment (Escort).
d) Patrols.
e) “Search and Destroy” missions.

Captains, to achieve maximum efficiency in the operations of the Polaris corvettes, it is necessary to know all their capabilities perfectly!
The success of operations requires high professionalism, vigilance and extreme intelligence on the part of operating personnel.
Surprise, deception, stealth, daring and courage are all elements of success.

It should not be necessary to indicate that the ship’s armament must be kept ready for immediate action during each war mission.
Contacts with the enemy will sometimes occur after long minutes or hours of negative operations tend to lessen the appreciation of preparedness needs.
History is replete with examples of golden possibilities lost as a result of this neglect.

Immediately, an enemy encountered, there are two steps to follow:
(1) an offensive action, the effectiveness of which strongly depends on the speed with which it is executed and (2) report to the competent authority the presence of the enemy.
In the excitement caused by the former, the latter should not be forgotten, and the organization of the ship should provide the means to ensure that they are not overlooked.

Any Captain responsible for directing a Polaris corvette operation for general or specific tasks will take into account the characteristics and capabilities of the ship, as described below.

Empty weight
17,155,000 kg

155 m

82 m

35 m

Hangar #
1 Hangar

Armament 1 #
28 x S10 Torpedos (4 Launchers)

Armament 2 #
32 x S3 Missiles

Armament 3 #
1 × 2S5 + 1× 2S4 Turrets ordered

Armament 4 #
5 × 2xS4 Manual turrets

The comparative difficulty of detection, when correctly positioned, is a characteristic favorable to the type of Polaris corvettes.
Surprise is one of its potential offensive weapons.
This will lead to the use of these vessels in unassisted operations, mainly by surprise, at night or in low visibility.

Employed in relatively large tactical units(2/4/8), the torpedo corvette squadron became a terrible offensive weapon.
These squadrons generally operate from a fleet base (Space or land).

Squadrons of Polaris Corvettes based at strategic points for the defense of important passages,
Fleet’s and/or Restricted Areas will be effective in launching surprise attacks on enemy combat units approaching or attempting to cross areas within the radius of operations of these areas to the enemy.

Torpedo corvette personnel must spare no effort to obtain the best results with real and potential weapons, inflicting maximum damage to the enemy.
Under no circumstances should a Polaris spacecraft be destroyed with torpedoes or ammunition on board if it is possible to fire at an enemy.
If the circumstances do not favor you or justify the hope of a successful escape, the torpedo corvettes approach an absolute decisive firing range!
The attack unit is generally the division of torpedo corvettes (2, 4 or 8 vessels) and, although the approach can be made in an appropriate squadron formation, before reaching the firing point, attack units will normally be released and dispersed to divide enemy fire.
The type of enemy attacked and whether or not the attack will be sustained will generally determine the plan of attack to be used.

When planning an surprise attack, at night or in low visibility, the means to increase its effectiveness will generally be determined by:

(a) Accurate information about the enemy’s position, course and speed.

(b) Selection of the favorable approach zone according to the position of the enemy.

© Full exploitation of the surprise element.

(d) High speeds after the decision to attack.

e) Coordination of attack units and wave attacks.

f) Short-range torpedo shots.

(g) Coordination of the attack with other ship units.

When planning an attack against an enemy force made up of heavy ships closely watched by lighter forces, the following should be taken into account:

(a) Sending in small units from different points to get the enemy to reveal his composition and disposition.

(b) The first attack units should focus on controlling the ships in order to allow subsequent attack units to enter the screen without being disturbed.

Once contact with the enemy has been established in a low light situation, it is generally desirable to conduct attacks with individual ships that are considerably dispersed.

When the target enemy force is well armored (Idris / Javelin / Bengal), it will sometimes be profitable, under certain conditions, to track the enemy from the front and outside its detection radius of torpedo corvettes, in order to fully develop the formation, disposition and composition of the enemy. This can increase the chances of filtering the screen later to reach the main goal.

When firing torpedoes at short distances, always take into account the distance and time required for the detonator to become fully armed.

When contact with the enemy is established and a closer or better attack position is deemed desirable, you must perform other maneuvers to allow the immediate discharge of the appropriate weapons.
For example, all cannons must be prepared and aimed at the enemy, an angle of attack must be maintained for the unloading of torpedoes.

The initial order of vessels in a division formation will normally be done by the hull number.
When reference is made to even numbered and odd numbered vessels, reference is made to the position in the division or squadron column counting the leading vessel in the column as number 1.
In all formations, the guide will always be the head of division, group or squadron.
If the division head leaves the formation or is the victim of an accident, the next division vessel will automatically take charge of the formation and, if possible, occupy the position of leader whatever his previous position.
If the squadron commander leaves the formation or is injured, the division commander will assume responsibility for it.

The formations deployed are heavy and therefore difficult to maneuver. Therefore, flexible training should be maintained whenever practicable, until the approximate deployment path is reasonably certain.

Vessels of a single division, when withdrawing from an attack, will divert from the center of the deployed formation, unless otherwise indicated.
Whether it is to retire as a unit or to retire individually, it generally depends on the circumstances.
If conditions warrant, vessels should reform after retirement.
On retirement, all ships should be extremely attentive to the leader’s signals.
By withdrawing from a simultaneous attack by one or more squadrons, the divisions will withdraw as a unit distant from the center of the deployed formation, if practicable.


The bridge, also called the navigation bridge, compartment from which navigation takes place under the orders of the 1st Officer or the Captain.

Concerns the maneuvers of movement of the vessel in space, use of equipment(C&C), docking, landing, towing or refueling.

On some vessels there may be several bridges, on the Polaris we have a second bridge, called aviation bridge (Hangar).






Turret Operator


Landing/hangar officer


On a Vessel, in permanent displacement, the need to ensure a constant watch to avoid collisions and to monitor the environment of the vessel has always imposed on the crew to distribute the tasks.

A day is divided into 6 quarters (four-hour periods) by 24-hour period:







These shifts can be adapted to the playing time available, and are then designated for each person his part of the work (I will take my shift). Long ago, on planet Earth, at the time of the sailing navy, the crews were divided into two quarters, that of port (the portquarter) and that of starboard (the starboard quarter) in order to differentiate them easily, under the direction of ‘a shift manager.

The durations and numbers of “shifts” in modern UEE vary widely depending on the size of the crew and the type of vessel. When a quarter is at rest we speak of a “quarter below”.

The UEE requires that all vessels must constantly ensure appropriate visual and radar surveillance, also using all available means which are adapted to the existing circumstances and conditions, so as to allow a full assessment of the situation and the risk of collision. !


Details of a typical watch shift on a UEE military vessel.


1.Position on the map/sector/planetary system

2.Course, speed, distances


4.Engines speend and status

5.Orders to follow during the next shift

6.Ships in sight (Radar situation)

7.Communication status Fleet and satcom

8.Security/Safety situation


On deck, when the commander gives an order, that order is repeated by the executor.

Helmsman, jump on OM-1 then head to Grim-Hex, speed 150!

The helmsman executes and repeats the order.
Jump on OM-1, head to Grim-Hex, speed 150!

When the commander directly addresses the crew of the vessel, he begins with the announcement “Crew order or/and here the Captain” then makes the announcement and specifies at the end of the message whether it is an exercise or not.
Example :

Crew order! Heres the Captain, intruder on board! Securing the ship! this is an exercise!

For this announcement it is an exercise. Designated security teams must inspect all compartments of the vessel and report to the command post in real time.

Once the exercise is over, the commander announces to the crew: Crew order, intruder alert exercise completed!

Another example of a commander’s announcement:

Crew order! All crew at the battle stations!

On this order, the ship will be engaged in a battle … the entire crew must return to their respective combat stations as quickly as possible.
Engineers must join their engineering consoles,
turret operators join their turrets,
torpedo operators join their post,
the doctor joins the infirmary,
the pilot of the aircraft on board prepares for takeoff and remains in stand-bi,
and the security teams rejoin their guard post.

In the event of serious structural damage to the vessel, the commander may be required to request an emergency evacuation of the vessel. This particular announcement will be made as follows:

Crew orders / here the Captain, BROKEN ARROW, I repeat, BROKEN ARROW, BROKEN ARROW! This is not an exercise! Evacuation of the ship! I repeat EVACUATION OF THE SHIP!
If this order is given, ALL the crew of the ship must immediately join the ejection capsules (EscapePods) available on the ship!
On deck, the communications officer sets off the distress beacons,
sends an emergency signal on all frequencies (Mayday, Mayday, Mayday)
contact the fleet or any other vessel nearby and leave their post to reach their ejection capsule.

Speed ​​= m/s (meters per second)
Port (9h) = Left
Starboard (3h) = Right
Bow (12h) = Front
Stern (6h) = Back

Other information:
During military missions, all communication with the outside is prohibited!
Alcohol and other narcotic products are strictly prohibited on board.
Anyone who violates these regulations will be instantly arrested and placed in detention cell!

Symbols of our flag:

A blue cross on a white background.
White symbolizes pureness, wisdom, innocence and the Divine.
The blue cross symbolizes freedom, hope and loyalty.
The ornament inside the blue cross represents our 5 Polaris squadrons.

Our motto is:
Individually strong, unbeatable together!


Being older than 18.
Be adult, comrade and friend, have a spirit of mutual aid and solidarity.
Respect of orders and communications on mission.
No provocations or responses to provocations.

Inspired by the book Motor Torpedo boats. Charter written by =xHammerPTx=. All rights reserved.

Discord chanel status: Active