The 19th Corporation / THE19TH

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Trading

The 19th Corporation

Galactic Leaders in:
Exploration and Mining
Trade and Logistics
Corporate Security and Protection

Oceanic Focused

If you would like to become an employee please submit an application and a member from HR will contact you in due course.


The 19th Corporation was founded during the Kickstarter campaign for Star Citizen. The organization is part of The 19th Battalion, An Oceanic Gaming Community that was founded in 2010 by a small group of close friends who had a passion for gaming, camaraderie and above all, a gaming guild/clan and community that is not burdened by the struggle of politics and power hungry officers.

We offer spots for both casual and hardcore gamers and have rosters to ensure that all members get a fair go at all events, no matter what their available play time may be.

While we maintain a casual raid schedule, there are many of us who log in each and every day, pouring hours into the games we play together. However, we do have some official play times in which member’s are asked to try achieve at least a 75% attendance rate unless they otherwise specify:

7:00PM – 10:00PM (AEST)

Visit The 19th Battalion for more information regarding our gaming community.

The 19th Corporation

Within Star Citizen, The 19th Corporation has established itself as a front runner within the Oceanic region with a group of dedicated citizens. Our fleet boasts a large array of ships from the smallest all the way up to the Idris class ships. Being the first Oceanic signatory to join PACT – Powers Against Common Threats is another feat The 19th Corporation have achieved in which we are proud of. We have a ‘zero tolerance’ attitude towards piracy and will be actively engaged in both bounty hunting and scheduled organized task forces between ourselves and allied PACT signatories to rid the universe of pirates.

The 19th Corporation follows a corporate hierarchy with underlying divisions responsible for different tasks:

  • Exploration and Logistics
  • Trade and Marketing
  • Corporate Security and Protection

It is important to note that while you may wish to have an official title in one of the above roles, you will not be limited to that role and will be able to partake in everything The 19th Corporation offers.

It is with great anticipation and excitement that we look forward to the launch of Star Citizen. In the meantime we will continue to build further relations with our allies and better establish ourselves within the Star Citizen community prior to the games launch.


The main mission of our corporation is to explore the emptiness of space with the aim of scientific achievement and discovery as well as the creation of prosperous business opportunities via trade, military or diplomatic ventures which will benefit The 19th Corporation and the galaxy. Weather a person is a solo trader or a large galactic conglomerate, the 19th Corporation will always be there to lend assistance for the right price. With offices spread out across the known universe you can always find a friendly employee who is willing to help.

The 19th Corporation is in no way affiliated with The United Earth Empire or its agents. We provide private security and paramilitary contracts to individuals and organizations who sign into a contract with The 19th Corporation that in no way breach or undermine company policy. We are a Universe wide leader in galactic exploration, private security and prosperous trade, who maintain a high standard of professionalism and discipline.


The 19th Corporation General Charter of Operations

Created by order of the Executive Management Committee (EMC)
version 1.1

Herein contained within this official document is the General Charter of Operations for The 19th Corporation which outlines company policy and direction. This document may periodically be refreshed and updated as policies change.

Article 1 – Corporation Employment

I) 19th Corporation employees are recruited via electronic recruiting methods. E.g. Internet or a recruiting officer.

II) Employees must submit to a probation period in which access to corporation assets may be restricted at the direction of the Executive Management Committee (EMC).

  • i) Probationary employees will remain in such a position until the probation period has been served or their probation is expedited.
  • ii) At the conclusion of the probation period employees are given full access to company resources and assets based on their position within the company.
  • iii) The EMC has the right to terminate your employment at any time without cause or explanation at the direction of the CEO.

III) Employees must agree to abide by The 19th Battalion’s Core Community Rules and Corporation Rules listed here under the General and Star Citizen specific rules: HERE

IV) If for any reason an applicant, probationary employee or full employee wishes to terminate their employment they must inform a recruitment officer so that action can be taken to remove them from the corporation.

V) To qualify for permanent employment you must display an ability to follow company policy, be a team player and always strive to put the Corporation first and foremost. On certain applicants a more detailed security check may be performed at the discretion of the corporation without warning.

The 19th Corporation is an Equal Opportunities Employer (EOE) and does not discriminate against race, species, gender and cultural differences. NB In times of War, The 19th Corporation will align itself with the Human race before any other species. Current non-human employees will be given safe haven to reach their own homes if desired. Wherein a potential species may be deemed dangerous to The 19th Corporation in times of open War and conflict, they will be asked to leave willingly or otherwise be removed by force, by security personnel.

Article 2 – Prohibited Activities or Behaviour

I) Employees must not engage in the following activities:

  • i) Piracy or Pirate related activities such as Smuggling.
  • ii) Participation or creation of fraudulent business deals or contracts.
  • iii) Theft and Griefing.
  • iv) Misrepresenting the 19th Corporation.

II) Any behaviour that can potentially cause neutral or friendly forces to engage in hostile action towards the corporation, its allies and trading partners is strictly forbidden.

III) Any racist or sexist behaviour or comments.

IV) Any action, behaviour or comment that diminishes the good name of the 19th Corporation as a leader in Space Exploration, Trade Relations and Military Enforcement or by proxy the Powers Against Common Threats treaty.

V) Any employee found to be in breach of any of the previous shall be subject to disciplinary action at the discretion of the EMC.

Article 3 – Galactic Exploration

I) During the course of an employee’s duties they are obliged to explore unknown space where possible.

II) Any resources or technological discoveries must be declared so that the appropriate resources and logistics can be arranged to assimilate them into company assets.

III) In the case that multiple parties are involved profits will be split equally between the parties and the corporation.

IV) Company policy dictates that employees have the right to name new finds or discoveries as they see fit.

  • i) Names must not violate Article 2, III.

Article 4 – Trade and Commerce

I) Only certain employees are permitted to create any form of contract or agreement that pertains to the Corporation as a whole.

II) Employees must not misrepresent themselves as an authorised employee.

III) All agreements and contracts must be honoured by the Corporation unless the other party(s) renege on their obligations or a request to change is made by the parties involved wherein a new agreement should be reached otherwise said contracts will be rendered void.

IV) Major economic decisions will be announced at the following meeting to the decision. Depending on the circumstances and the impact, corporation wide consultation may be required.

Article 5 – Corporation Security and Protective Duties

I) The security and protection of all corporation assets and employees is paramount. The 19th does recognise that not all situations can be resolved in a diplomatic way and with this in mind all employee must follow the prescribed Rules of Engagement (RoE).

II) The RoE stipulates that corporation employees must not fire unless fired upon or provoked by hostile action such as attempted ramming and sabotage.

  • i) Pirates or known criminals are not subject to the RoE as well as targets designated as enemies of the corporation.

III) If an employee or contracted individual/organization of the Corporation is attacked they must call for assistance to minimise damage to their property and any company assets.

IV) If an employee becomes aware of any activities relating to piracy within the Corporation they must make this aware to the Chief Security Officer (CSO) as well as the CEO.

V) If employees receive a request for assistance from someone outside the Corporation, who is not affiliated with piracy, then they are encouraged to assist, only if they have sufficient firepower or backup. This however does not constitute an order to assist but it may enhance the standing of the 19th.

  • i) If an employee is currently undergoing an escort or protective detail mission, they are not to break off or leave their client under any circumstances unless Article 7 is invoked.

VI) If the Corporation is under direct threat from external or internal parties the use of any and all measures are authorised to ensure the safety and security of the corporation, its employees, assets and contracted parties.

VII) Sensitive information must be kept in a safe manner according to the requirements set by the CIO.

VIII) Employees found to be leaking classified material will be subject to instant dismissal and a bounty will be placed with a registered agency for their immediate termination.

Article 6 – Division of Responsibility

I) Employees that are placed in positions of responsibility are the only ones required to fulfil obligations to that position during a standard duty shift. All other employees may choose freely their tasks but report to the respective Division Head for that duty shift.

II) No Division Head shall impede or direct the operations of another division unless first consulting with the CEO and EMC or Article 7 is invoked.

III) The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the leadership and general scope of the entire corporation. The CEO supervises all activities and operations.

IV) The Chief Operations Officer is responsible for the general day to day operations of the corporation with regards to supervising the heads of each division.

V) The Union Representative is the employees advocate in all matters should they wish to discuss the running of the corporation or lodge a complaint against a Corporation Officer or Member. The Union Representative remains neutral in all complaints and listens to facts from both concerning parties and then makes his recommendation to the COO and CEO based on the findings of his Investigation into an internal complaint. In events where the Union Rep cannot make a formal decision, the matter is escalated to the CEO for further investigation.

The Union Rep is also the Corporation’s Diplomatic Consultant and is tasked with accompanying the CEO/COO and CSO on Diplomatic ventures with other organizations. He is present to ensure that all decisions made by the CEO/COO and CSO will not have a negative impact on The 19th Corporation’s employees.

Should external parties wish to meet with The 19th Corporation’s personnel, the Union Rep is tasked with brokering the exchange between affected parties.

Exploration and Mining Division

I) All matters relating to Exploration, Salvage, Mining and the Logistical transfer of any resources or wrecks to the nearest company station fall under the responsibility of the Exploration and Logistics Division (EMD).

II) The EMD are charged with claiming any territory for the corporation and establishing trade and military outposts in the outer reaches of the galaxy in a combined effort with both TMD and CSPD.

III) In cases that involve planetary mining operation facilities the Trade and Logistics Division are responsible for the general upkeep but the Exploration and Mining Division take charge in the direction and operation of said facility.

Trade and Logistics Division

I) Any outposts, space stations, or planetary facilities fall under the responsibility of the Trade and Logistics Division (TLD).

II) The TLD are responsible for advertisement and marketing within The 19th Corporation and regularly run recruitment drives and advertise the services of The 19th Corporation in the Galaxy.

III) All matters that are to do with high volume, value resources or artifacts are charged to the Trade and Logistics Division. The TMD’s other tasks include creating connections and finding buyers as well as maintaining high level contracts and agreements corporation wide.

Corporate Security & Protection Division

I) Any matter relating to the security of the corporation, protection of contracted parties, or defence allies belong to the Corporate Security and Protection Division (CSPD).

II) Internal security matters must be handled with the greatest level of confidentiality and should never be discussed publically.

III) The CSPD is required to actively monitor subspace communications to seek out and identify potential threats to the corporation.

Article 7 – Declaration of War

I) Article 7 is to be used once War or Open Conflict has been declared by the CEO and EMC.

II) The heads of each division are to report to the EMC for immediate briefing conducted by the CEO and CSO.

III) All Corporation employee’s will be trained in space combat as well as ground combat, as well as Corporation procedures involving any War related scenario’s.

IV) All Exploration, Mining, Logistical, Trade and Marketing duties will put on immediate hold until otherwise directed by the CEO.

  • i) Employee’s currently under taking escort or protective detail contracts are to immediately advise their clients they need to break formation and/or protective detail and head back to The Corporation HQ. As per the client’s contract they will have the option of either being escorted back to UEE Space or continuing on alone.
  • ii) Employee’s currently situated within deep space outposts are to remain there with a small security detail until orders are received otherwise. Measures must be taken to secure Corporation assets before employees return to HQ.
  • - i) If an employee’s life is in direct threat by being situated in deep space, they are to purge any sensitive company resources and documentations, then immediately make an emergency FTL jump back to UEE Space.

V) The 19th Corporation is forbidden from making any new contracts and alliances unless said alliances or contracts will be of immediate benefit to the current situation.

VI) If you are cut off from subspace communication and cannot receive assistance from The 19th Corporation or allied partners, you are to destroy any sensitive documentation and attempt all measures to get in contact with The 19th.

VII) Upon a stand down from War or Open Conflict all employees are to report to the CSD for immediate debriefing by the CEO and GMCS.

  • i) Stand down can only be declared by the EMC.