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The 30K Link Jumpers / THE30K

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome to The 30k Org link jumpers where we make friends help the verse and create a safer place against Pirates (not that we dont have pirates in our org) make friends Link jump, Enjoy ship shows!! And when we need you I hope you come to the call. We are the 30k Link Jumpers!! Justice Served.


Welcome agian Citzen to The 30k Link Jumpers Organization… I want to thank you for showing interest and hope we can all get alone and look forward to our prosperous organization.. With YOUR help we will create a fun and amazing time across the verse.. Stop evil where it stands… Trade and protect fellow Traders… have fun duels and hunt down poor bounties that lost their ways or tried to escape prison and send them RIGHT BACK

Sorry I got a little carried away.. The history of this Organization all started with a free fly event.. I myself new to the verse encounted this dreddfull event called the 30k and when I heard there were orgs that were recruiting… I thought how great would it be to make The 30K an organization.. we could be FEARED by the name alone because of the 30k server drops and what not but… we will also be widely known by accident.. and when people search online 30k.. they might stumble apon us and we will gain RANKS… yes..

So I started telling people we are the 30k and they asked why do you crash servers.. (Maybe i said) we didnt but it would be funny if we could… so people asked how is this possible… I said well we all get together many people and LINK JUMP our ships from one end of the system to another… funny enough we got about 10 people of a 50 person server to join this action and were interested in the social event.. and thats where this org really shines.. getting people together for no reason and have a blast… We ended up Link Jumping and succesfully made it to the other side of the Jump with only the loss of ONE ship out of 10 or so… it was HILARIOUS.. we then decided to land on the nearest planet ON AN ISLAND.. and have a ship show.. it was a lot of fun and even more ships showed up from the verse to check out the action.. this is where you come in.. you can recruit in these events and our ORG WILL GROW.. with the scary name THE 30K we will possibly strike fear without a battle however.. Prepare for battle prepare for protection missions prepare for SHIP SHOWS.. and most of all… please have fun be respectful. (unless not being respected apon yourself) Thank you for reading and taking your time I took a while to come up with this. thank you see you in the verse!!!


The Intentions of the 30k Link Jumpers org is not to CAUSE CHAOS… OR SERVER CRASHES (although would be funny) however we are here to create a fun enviroment for not only the verse but for new comers to the game.. I implor you to aid and help anyone in need, if you can role play a little to let imaginations fly.. because I myself enjoy a funny role play to escape reality here and there time to time… we are here to be good citizens of the verse YES you can be a pirate in this org however.. I do not wish this org to be a pirate org. so please if you plan on ONLY being a pirate this is not the org for you.. We will hold ship show events and we will not want you PIRATING them or scaring people off.. i hope to grow the org to a reasonable level and have ranks and systems in place. I will post YOUTUBE videos to thank our Team and Organizations maybe by month who knows havent gotten that far…

Our Motive is to create a safer place for the verse in Vanduul space mainly.. the stanton system is your playground dont destroy the place ok!!… we will however cover, ESCORTS for fellow Traders,, Trading itself, Mining, Drug running, Smuggling, and the occasional ORG DUEL or something to that matter.. maybe we will systematicly attack fellow youtubers like COBRA however they are not enemys we are all friends in the verse unless disrespected at this time there is no enemy to the org except the 30k itself.. so be kind be nice.. but have fun..

We want the org to be mainly good but we are MERCS.. Hired by the highest bidder to AID not DO their bidding.. we will not be hired to assasinate someone.. (no bounties dont count) im talking about going after random players an org hates and they hire you to kill we will not be involved with those situations and having them bite us.. we will protect those in those situations got IT!!! good.. ok feel free to drop threads and have chats in the forums I will check weekly if not daily depending how crazy this org gets.. Thank you Team.. STAY FROSTY….


Hello 30kers!!!! Here is a List of rules or (guidlines)..

- THis is a list in progress-

1. always Follow the rules and Listen to the officers and Founder.
2. always try to lend a helping hand to fellow org members with questions comments and concerns.
3. Try to recruit whenever possible.
4. have fun.
5. be kind and respectful.