The 87th / THE87TH

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Security

The 87th offers the best service in freight handling, private security, and bounty hunting. Please contact one of officers today to fill your needs!


The 87th is made up of the finest former pilots from the fleet.


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The 87th is committed to your business and will do everything in its power to ensure your interests if you give us your business.

We are more than happy to take care of any problems logistical or combative that your organization may have.


Officers’ council: All policy decisions, to include approval in major operations and diplomatic approvals are made by the council of senior officers, with a majority vote. The initial senior council will be appointed by Jaster and as we progress closer to full release, the membership will be changing. In times of emergency, when a council vote is note practical, a senior officer can make ‘boots on the ground’ decisions and orders. These decisions and orders are legally binding until countermanded or approved by a more senior officer or council vote. All orders and decisions made in this matter are considered to have been made in good faith for the benefit of the organization.

The council will conduct a TS meeting once a week. Any major policy changes or decisions have to be approved during such meeting.

Ranks and promotions:

Promotions: All promotions must be approved by the council of officers.

Membership: There are three categories of membership (separate from rank) in the squadron:

Active: Active members of the 87th are required to fly with the 87th tag active and must abide by the ROE.

Reserve: Reserve members are members of the 87th, but are not frequent players or have taken a leave of absence. Reserve players can be of any rank, but senior reserve officers will not be full voting members of the council. Reserve members will not have full access to org resources. On the flip side, they are not required to contribute to the org as much as active members. Any active member can change their commission to reserve, but a change to reserve by active must be approved by a member of the council, with follow on approval by council vote.

Probationary: Probationary members can be sponsored into the org by any officer. Promotion to active status must be approved by a council vote. Promotion to active status will be determined by the members’ contribution to the org and potential to be a productive member.

Recruiting: Potential members of the 87th must be sponsored by an officer of the 87th. New recruits will go through a probationary status. The probationary period will last until such time as the council of senior officers agrees to promote the new recruit into regular status.

Organization assets: Any active player can make use of org assets, with officer approval. Anyone making use of org assets are responsible for all repairs, resupply costs, etc. They will also be required to contribute 10% of their gross earnings during such endeavors to The 87th.

Ship Loadouts: All pilots are required to stock replicated crabmeat as part of their ships rations. There is a mandatory requirement. Failure to do so will result in … penalties.