The Base Radio / THEBASE

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Social
  • Social

The Base is a 24/7 Online Radio Station, where you can listen to music, music show, live mixes and talk shows, 24/7 online. The Base and it’s community (The Base Network), is a Non Profit Organisation focused on bringing and engaging communities online.


December 14, 2013:
Shoutcast server was created and the music began to come into your earholes.

January 3rd, 2014:
The first live show “The Friday Night Show” hosted by Ricko, marked the official opening of the station.

January 11, 2014:
Cranked stream bitrate up to 192 kbps

January 15, 2014:
Webpage created at

January 28, 2014:
Zhane’s “Space Debris” was the second show to be added to the schedule

January 30, 2014:
DJ Raoulduke joins the team with his own show

February 3, 2014:
A test-stream was created to help the influx of DJ’s to test out their skills on the air

February 14, 2014:
Rellim, DJ Ro and CosmicBadger join the team, having their own separate shows

April 11, 2014:
Anniversary show happened, nearly setting the shoutcast server on fire. Hence forth the shoutcast listener cap was increased greatly.

April 18, 2014:
Pedro Camacho, composer at CIG, is the first external guest to be interviewed on the air

June 8th, 2014:
During “The Next Great Starship” Finale show, The Base Radio had monkeys Trendane and Ravana live on the floor, interviewing the winners “Four Horsemen”.

March 8th, 2015
The Base registers the domain name

March 25, 2015:
Started 24/7 stream on, approved by twitch team.

March 25, 2015:
The Base Radio was featured on the first “Wonderful World of Star Citzien”, hosted by Jared “Disco Lando” Huckaby.

April 15, 2015:
The Base Radio’s Twitch stream was hosted by CIG after their weekly “Reverse the Verse” show.

May 29, 2015:
Anniversary show with INN, giving away over 1200 USD worth of gifts, overloaded the SCB website nearly causing it to crash.

June 6, 2015:
The Base Radio opens their own Patreon page, allowing people to donate the extra monthly money to the station.

August 1, 2015:
Our own merchandise web shop was opened through Spreadshirts, allowing us to sell our t-shirts, mugs and more with our logos on it!

August 6, 2015:
INN and The Base Radio do live coverage of the Star Citizen news from Gamescom Germany

August 15, 2015:
Successfully funded an Origin 890 Jump for The Base Radio. This ship will be the hub for all our fans in the future game!

September 12, 2015:
Successfully funded a trip to CitizenCon UK for our monkey Doopsums, allowing him to do live coverage for us!

October 11, 2015:
INN and The Base do live coverage of CitizenCon 2015, interviewing Sandi Gardiner, Erin Roberts, a whole lot of fans, and more!

January 1, 2016:
Anniversary Friday Night Show happened with lots of giveaways.

June 19, 2016:
The Base’s yearly “Anniversary Server Fire show” happened, featuring Ben Lesnick and many guests, giveaways and hype. No servers were set on fire this time though.

August 8, 2016:
Developed by our own tech monkey Pegasus, a mobile app for both Android and iOS was released, allowing you to listen on the go and check our news/chat at the same time!

September 10, 2016:
The Base’s shoutcast and web server were moved over to a self-managed server, allowing us to have direct control and much more data storage to be used for music!

September 16, 2016:
Using a jelly-bean eating game, we successfully funded Rellim an upgrade for his computer, so he could properly do intensive Base Radio producing on his system. This day would not be the last we would be eating jelly beans.

November 9th, 2016:
A new show “Lightspeed Lunatics” joins the schedule, starring Edenstar, Sofiegrl and Batgirl

May 6th, 2017:
Episode 100: The StarCitizenBase Round Table has reached 100 episodes!

March 10th, 2021:
Server fire #2: During the night (local France time), a fire broke out in one of the OVH data centers that hosts our private server in Strasbourg. The fire spread and damaged most of the building, and threatened the adjecent buildings as well. Our station was down for almost a full three weeks before returning to the airwaves on March 30. If you are keeping track, this is the second time we go through a data-center fire. For the record, it wasn’t us this time! However… MzHartz was streaming at the time… maybe the server couldn’t handle 80’s music?! See a video of the incident here.

August 4th, 2021:
Episode 300: The StarCitizen Round Table, a star citizen talk show, has reached 300 episodes!!!

October 16th, 2021:
Goodbye SCB?: Imperium Command unilaterally decides and unexpectedly announces their partnership between StarCitizenBase and our radio station has ended, supposedly for reasons, that we think are unrelated to The Base itself. (read their statement here) :(

October 19th, 2021
Ent of the ‘Verse 7 years!: The music show “Ent of the ‘Verse” hosted by Entrack, has reached 7 years of runtime, making it our longest running show. In his own words: “who knows, maybe my tunes will keep coming for another 7 years”.



The Base aims to be Star Citizen’s Premier Online Radio Station!
The Base Radio is a fan run radio station, centered around the Star Citizen game, by and for the community.


Supply the listeners with great music, interviews, live shows and giveaways!
Since December 2013, The Base Radio has been broadcasting 24/7 with non-stop music, talk shows, Star Citizen news, give-aways, comedy, interviews, humour, contests, analysis, discussions, and more. Currently with a team of 6 managers and 20+ crewmen we bring all this to you, every week, fresh and live through Shoutcast and

We pride ourselves on supporting the Star Citizen community at large, providing a source for spreading the news with our partners like those found under Our Friends, a great source of interviews with both fans and Cloud Imperium Games staff alike, and in addition to the auto DJ making sure we’ve got tunes 24/7, a number of live DJ’s spinning up the best music in the ‘verse!


1. Neutral declaration

The Base is a completely neutral organization. We allow anyone to join us, but as The Base we do not mingle ourselves with anyone else’s disputes. But The Base has many friends who would gladly defend us in the ‘Verse if necessary. The Base has no other goals in the ‘verse other than:
  • Entertaining fans
  • Keeping ourselves operational
  • Keeping ourselves safe

If you or your group decide to hinder us in any way, keeping us from doing the things mentioned above, we reserve the right to ‘not be neutral’ anymore.

Respect the fellow listeners and fans. These are neutral grounds for all players of Star Citizen and fans of our radio station! Should we ascertain any disrespectful behavior, you will be escorted off our premises. Failure to comply will result in forced removal / banishment from our grounds.

2. No hostile behavior

We have no intention of hostile action against anyone in the ‘verse. The Base will never insinuate aggressive action on it’s own, unless we were forced to defend ourselves. While in area’s designated as our property, please keep any weaponry stowed away. Any behavior that can be seen as hostile will be reason for our security forces to take action.

3. Public 890 Jump party boat “Howler Monkey”

Our very own “Howler Monkey”, an Drank Kraken, is publicly open at all times for visiting. Please enjoy yourselves here, have a drink, and enjoy our live 24/7 music rotation, along with the DJ’s that come in from time to time. While on board, keep the following guidelines in mind:
  • No irresponsible behavior, like being too drunk or too high. If you’ve wasted yourself to the point that you’re becoming a nuisance, we reserve the right to kick you off board. We will also not be responsible for your driving / flying skills while under influence.
  • The Bar staff reserves the right to refuse alcohol to guests at any point if we observe it might get out of hand.
  • We also reserve the right to refuse anyone access on board whichever reason that may be.
  • No wrecking or damaging our property. If you do cause damage, you will be held responsible for the repair costs.
  • No stealing (we simply don’t want to be responsible for any items gone missing)
  • No excessively harassing other visitors / personnel
  • No littering. Please dump your garbage in the designated incinerators / disposal units or keep it with you until off board.
  • Keep your weaponry stowed away (see section 2)
  • The maximum amount of people allowed on board simultaneously will be determined by the life support system’s limits. We will not be breaking safety rules, so once that limit is reached, we cannot allow any more people on board.
  • Stay within the designated guest area’s. Do not venture into area’s designated ‘off-limits’ on your own, unless you have been given permission by our crew.

Have a pleasant stay!

Chat rules!

We have a few basic rules that we ask that you respect while hanging out with us:

Opinions are welcome, but don’t start arguments for the sake of having an argument, and always be respectful of each other. In other words, don’t be a dick.

Please keep adult language to a reasonable level, and tone it down if asked. No racist, homophobic, or otherwise socially derogatory terms are allowed.

Ask for permission to post links. You may not link to content containing racial slurs, homophobic slurs or overly gruesome/grotesque imagery.

Do not advertise other twitch streams without permission from the admins.

The moderators’ word is final. Don’t argue, you’re not gonna win.

Do not post your Star Citizen referral code in the chat!

No doxing or any other form of personal harassment.

No spamming, such as excessive use of CAPS, or repeating the same message.

No extensive political debates, we would please ask this to be held somewhere else.

Remember, just because you see/hear content on the stream that might be in violation of these rules doesn’t mean they don’t still apply to the chat. Behave and have fun, monkeys!

Note: Rules subject to change in the future as we see fit.