The Blood Red Conglomerate / THEBLOOD

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Trading

Welcome to the Blood Red Conglomerate, a group consisting of hired security, bounty hunters and friends. Enjoy your stay and watch the credits roll in!
Check Us out over at Our website for the organization!


The Blood Red Conglomerate started out among the turmoil that was Project Archangel, the Empire’s plan to make a synth-world. Project Archangel severely taxed the empire’s monetary resources and was called a “money pit” by the public. During this time two young friends started a small shipping group in the friendly system of Terra trading small low profit goods between the systems many planets. After a few years they had amassed enough wealth to invest in an escort ship, which then allowed them to carry higher priced goods to harsher systems, like Vega with the ever looming Vanduul systems just a jump away. Here they found the profit and adventure they had been looking for. After a close call and the loss of one of their escort ships and 3 crewman they decided to bring in the reins and instead began trading with the Banu and Xi’an, during this time they made many inter-species relationships and even picked up some alien ships as mementos. Nowadays We’re mostly based out of Vega and we’re always looking for more recruits to bolster our ranks and to befriend.


The Blood Red Conglomerate is a group of individuals dedicated to the protection and trading of valuable resources. We provide affordable protection services to aspiring traders and even do a bit of trading ourselves when the price is right. We believe in friendship and loyalty and the acquiring of credits as a team.


The Rules of the Blood Red Conglomerate are simple and short: Piracy is forbidden and always treat your employers and coworkers with respect! In the escort business we need all the reputation we can get.