The Bohage / THEBOHAGE

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Security

“When the going gets tough, the tough get ragequitting.”




Got a job that needs doing but don’t want to get your hands dirty? You’ve come to the right place. The Bohage specialises in performing mercenary or freelance jobs reliably and efficiently. Maybe that is some extra security in a risky supply run, or perhaps it’s transporting a prisoner from A to B. Maybe you want to cut some of the competition out of picture or want to send a message to some pirates harassing you.

Whatever it is you need, The Bohage will deliver. We plan on delivering a discreet, affordable and efficient service, however illegality, ethics and risk will influence the price.
Steam Community


The Golden Rule- Don’t be a Dickhead.

The Bohage is a fairly relaxed community and as long as everyone abides by the golden rule, everyone is welcome.

The following is a set of guidelines to follow in certain situations. These aren’t ‘rules’ and you won’t be shunned for not following them.

1- Be polite around clients or future clients.
2- Follow the job to the letter, but don’t be afraid to improvise.
3- Don’t rise to potential bait
4- Never betray an ally
5- Always remember the Golden Rule.

1- Follow orders, but don’t be afraid to suggest a better idea.
2- Microphones are not required, but very helpful.
3- No intentional friendly fire. (That means you NotBob!)
4- Remember, it’s a game so have fun.
5- Never forget the Golden Rule.