The Brotherhood of Steel / THEBOS2082

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Step into the ranks of the Brotherhood of Steel, where valor meets technology in our relentless pursuit of safeguarding humanity’s legacy. Bound by honor and driven by duty, we stand resolute in the face of challenges, forging a future guided by our unwavering principles.


Behold the Brotherhood of Steel, a storied institution steeped in the annals of history within the boundless realms of Star Citizen. Born from the ashes of a fractured world, we mirror the indomitable spirit and unyielding resolve of our predecessors in the iconic Fallout series.

Our origins trace back to a time of turmoil and uncertainty, when humanity teetered on the brink of oblivion. In the aftermath of a cataclysmic event that reshaped the very fabric of civilization, a group of visionary individuals emerged to lead mankind from the darkness into a new era of enlightenment.

Inspired by the principles of duty, honor, and sacrifice, the Brotherhood of Steel was founded with a singular purpose: to safeguard the remnants of humanity’s technological legacy and prevent its misuse by those who would sow chaos and destruction.

Through centuries of strife and upheaval, our ranks have endured, weathering the storms of war and adversity with steely determination. Guided by our sacred mission, we have emerged as stalwart defenders of progress and guardians of the lost knowledge that lies scattered across the stars.

From the ashes of the old world, we have risen, our resolve unbroken and our spirits undaunted. As we chart a course through the uncharted depths of space, we carry with us the legacy of those who came before, drawing strength from their deeds and wisdom from their sacrifices.

United in purpose and bound by a shared legacy, the Brotherhood of Steel stands as a beacon of hope in a universe besieged by darkness. As we march ever forward, our banner held high, we invite all who share our vision to join us in our quest for a brighter tomorrow. Ad Victoriam! Glory to the Brotherhood!


Welcome to the Brotherhood of Steel, where our resolve is forged in the fires of duty, and our allegiance lies with the preservation of humanity’s legacy. As steadfast guardians of knowledge and technology, we pledge to uphold the tenets of our manifesto:

Preservation: We are the custodians of mankind’s greatest achievements. We vow to safeguard advanced technology from falling into the wrong hands and ensure it is used for the betterment of all.

Progress Through Discipline: Through discipline and dedication, we strive for progress. We believe that through the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of our craft, we can elevate humanity to new heights.

Unity in Purpose: Bound by a common purpose, we stand united against the forces of chaos and ignorance. Together, we are stronger, and together, we will overcome any obstacle that stands in our path.

Adaptability: In the ever-changing landscape of the universe, we remain adaptable. We embrace innovation and evolution, ready to face whatever challenges the future may hold.

Service to Humanity: Our actions are guided by a selfless devotion to the greater good. We serve not for personal gain, but for the betterment of all mankind.

Legacy: We honor the sacrifices of those who came before us and strive to leave a legacy worthy of their memory. Our deeds today shape the world of tomorrow, and we bear that responsibility with solemn reverence.

Victory: Our ultimate goal is victory – victory over ignorance, over tyranny, and over the forces that seek to undo all that we hold dear. With unwavering determination, we march ever forward, knowing that our cause is just and our destiny is righteous.
In adherence to these principles, we invite all who share our vision to stand with us, shoulder to shoulder, as we forge a future worthy of the greatness of mankind. Ad Victoriam!


Within the Brotherhood of Steel, we embrace a solemn vow to safeguard humanity’s technological legacy, a heritage that stretches across the stars. With unyielding resolve, we stand as guardians against the encroaching shadows of chaos, dedicated to preserving order and fostering progress amidst the cosmos.

Our sacred mission is twofold: first, to protect and preserve the remnants of advanced technology, shielding it from those who would misuse its power for selfish gain or malevolent ends. Second, we pledge to eliminate threats to the safety and prosperity of humanity, be they hostile alien forces, or those who seek to exploit the innocent.

In pursuit of our noble cause, we rally beneath the banner of duty, honor, and sacrifice. We unite as brothers and sisters, bound by a common purpose and a shared commitment to the greater good. Through discipline and dedication, we strive to forge a brighter future for all, guided by the timeless principles that define us as the Brotherhood of Steel.