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The Chaos Collective / THECHAOSC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Infiltration
  • Security

Wielding Chaos, Forging Victory


The Chaos Collective:
Backstory and Departments

The Chaos Collective was founded in 2942 amidst the tumult of the UEE’s expanding conflicts and political instability. The organization was established by a coalition of elite former UEE Navy officers and independent contractors who saw the need for a highly specialized, adaptable mercenary force capable of addressing gaps left by conventional military operations. Their vision was to create a fleet capable of rapid deployment and superior tactical flexibility.

Initially operating with a few surplus military ships,TCC quickly gained a reputation for exceptional performance in high-risk and high-profile missions. Their ability to deliver effective solutions in dangerous and complex scenarios allowed them to secure lucrative contracts and expand their operations. As Vanduul threats grew and UEE political tensions intensified, the TCC’s role became increasingly vital, making them a key player in the galaxy’s military and logistical landscape, handling conflict their way.


Departments within the TCC are specialized units responsible for different aspects of the organization’s operations, ensuring comprehensive coverage of all mission requirements.

1. The Eir (Medical): Provides advanced medical care and emergency treatment, ensuring the health and readiness of TCC personnel.

2. Security Squadron (Combat): Handles defensive and offensive combat operations, safeguarding TCC assets and executing high-risk engagements as hired guns.

3. Trading Citizens Cartel (Logistics): Manages transportation, supply chain, and resource allocation to support efficient and effective mission execution.

4. Exeter Electrics (Engineering Corps): Oversees ship maintenance, repairs, and upgrades to keep the TCC fleet in optimal condition.

5. Guarded Gleaner (Salvage Ops): Specializes in recovering valuable materials and technology from damaged or abandoned vessels, enhancing TCC’s operational resources.


We are The Chaos Collective, committed to mastering the art of turning disorder into success. Our guiding principle, Wielding Chaos, Forging Victory, embodies our dedication to overcoming challenges with strategic precision and unwavering resolve. We embrace every mission with the goal of transforming adversity into triumph, ensuring that our actions drive meaningful results and uphold our reputation for excellence.


The Chaos Collective (TCC): Charter

Article I: Name and Purpose

1. Name: The organization shall be known as The Chaos Collective (TCC).
2. Purpose: The TCC provides elite mercenary services, including combat, medical support, logistics, engineering, and salvage operations. Our mission is to excel in high-stakes environments and deliver exceptional results.

Article II: Structure

1. Departments: The TCC is organized into specialized departments to ensure comprehensive operational capabilities:

- The Eir (Medical): Provides advanced medical care and emergency treatment.

- Security Squadron (Combat): Oversees defensive and offensive combat operations.

- Trading Citizens Cartel (Logistics): Manages transportation, supply chain, and resource allocation.

- Exeter Electrics (Engineering Corps): Handles ship maintenance, repairs, and upgrades.

- Guarded Gleaner (Salvage Ops): Specializes in recovering valuable materials and technology.

Article III: Membership

1. Eligibility: Membership is open to individuals with proven skills and experience in relevant fields. Candidates must align with TCC’s values and mission.
2. Duties: Members are expected to contribute to their respective departments, uphold the Collective Code, and actively participate in missions and operations.

Article IV: Governance

1. Leadership: The TCC shall be governed by the Command Council: – Fleet Admiral: Founders – Admiral: Admins – Vice Admiral: Mods
2. Decision-Making: Major decisions are made by the Command Council. Each member of the council has equal voting rights.

Article V: The Collective Code

1. Compliance: Members are required to adhere to The Collective Code and operational protocols.
2. Confidentiality: Sensitive information must be kept confidential.

Article VI: Amendments

1. Procedure: Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any member of the Command Council. Proposed amendments must be approved by a majority vote of the council.

Article VII: Dissolution

1. Procedure: In the event of dissolution, the assets of the TCC will be distributed according to decisions made by the Command Council.