• Corporation
  • Casual
  • Medical
  • Transport

Feeling weakened? Send a beacon!

Downed in a hostile landing zone? Stranded in the wild frontier? Need a lift from A to B?
The Coterie is here to help!


Our < Discord > at the P.T.N.


The EMT Coterie started out as a simple enjoyment for solo pilot medical outreach until our founders, Citizens SnoochyBoochy, MicMicMic, and FlareEK, expressed the common interest to kickstart a tips-driven medical recovery and transport service to ailing pilots. Working together, or flying solo, we aim to answer your calls during times of Coterie operation.

SnoochyBoochy, MicMicMic, and FlareEK first met in the halls of the Pilots Trade Network, sharing the love for cargo hauling and providing community-level assistance and entertainment with other elite pilots in a dangerous universe. Long-time Citizens MicMicMic and FlareEK have been in the ‘verse for many years, displaying veteran-level experience and knowledge, and as time progressed on, and the compelling interest in the ‘verse expanded, SnoochyBoochy eventually attained Citizenship in 2953; despite his recent Citizenship, SnoochyBoochy is quickly learning the ins and outs, with the majority of his focus on medical and extraction operations – the Coterie Core.


Designed as a limited-duty privatized medical dispatcher and localized personal transport service, the EMT Coterie is a small band of independent pilots operating either solo, or as a group when schedules align, to bring you a quality resolution to your health or location dilemmas.


Board’s philosophy for the Flight Medic and the Crew Chief

We at the EMT Cotorie shall display no less than honorable effort and professionalism in service to our clients while on duty. However, off duty we’re a team of excellent individuals who don’t take life too seriously, ready to kick our flip flops off for our uniforms at a moment’s notice.

Despite our lax, part-time nature, we still hold ourselves to a standard and structure to maintain a functioning team.

Our Tenets:

  1. We shall not discriminate. Members and hopefuls will not be judged or considered on any human demographic. However, should individuals pose an obvious threat, such as verbal abuse or deliberate in-game sabotage of any type, to this organization or its members, whether it be in game or out, membership will not be considered. That being said, should individuals already within the ranks of the Coterie display acts of threatening activity listed above, membership will be reconsidered by the Board and could result in suspension or ultimately expulsion.
    This also is not a distinct roleplay committal. If you are a pirate by day, but wish to be a medic by night, we will not discriminate. We do not intend to restrict gameplay to maintain the image of this group, instead we encourage other gameplay loops outside of your duty status with us. However, these duties must be separated from your daily business: you may not utilize your daily off-duty roles to enhance your on-duty obligations (pirating to incapacitate another player to create clientele, for example). And while we do not discourage casual off-duty wear of on-duty apparel, we only ask that you be situationally aware of your on-duty armor set and image when doing notorious off-duty activity, as this may encourage foul play towards the organization and/or tarnish our image.
  1. We shall not dox. If at any time Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is released without consent, Board Members will swiftly consider administration action in response.
  1. We shall set our own schedule. As a small part-time team, we are our own employer, accepting on-duty status at our personal convenience. This also means that you are under no obligation to assume On-Duty status at any time you are online. If you want to hop online and play on your own schedule and bidding, you are free to do so without expectation. However, when considering going On-Duty, your obligation of responding to any respective Beacon will take precedence over other activities.
  1. We shall reap our own rewards. As an independent responder, you are entitled to your own contract rewards. We will NOT bribe, haggle, blackmail, coerce, extort, or otherwise manipulate clientele to receive other than natural contract rewards initially posted, nor induce situations that will initiate beacons to our favor or schedule. Group beacon response shall split rewards fairly and evenly, unless an agreeable alternate dispersal is made between all involved.

Community Expectations

The Coterie is expected to maintain an orderly and friendly social atmosphere. While we love banter, we must still conduct ourselves as refined individuals, stifling abrasive language and keeping disagreements to a cordial, lenient conversation. We may be relaxed, but we’re also gentlemen and gentlewomen of dignified gameplay.

Any interactions within the confines of our historical communal location of the Pilots Trade Network Discord remain subject to the published server rules, and any infractions are liable to the punishments for violations to community standards on that server, up to and including permanent ban.

If you have any questions, don’t be afraid to ask! We are more than happy to answer questions, or extrapolate on our philosophy, rules, or vision!