Anti Imperium / THEFREE

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

WE ARE THE FREE. WE ARE ANTI IMPERIUM. The Imperium seeks to control the verse, they have openly admitted their intentions of ever expanding territorial domination. And they have the power to do it, unless we can stop them. Join us, and fight for FREEDOM.




Imperium is a THREAT to the stability of the Verse. They speak of CARVING up sections of the verse that should be meant for everyone. I pull these quotations directly from their PUBLIC manifesto.

“With a group this large, we will accomplish much in the initial stages of Star Citizen’s release and carve out a place in space just for Imperium”

They have plans to seize a large territory of space right off the bat and expand.

“At launch, Imperium plans to take over an area in space to establish our operations and expand.”

So what if you happen to be conducting a mining operation going on outside their territory and they decide it’s time to expand?

“A benefit of Imperium’s location will allow us to be one of the richest in the game. We will have access to some of the rarest materials.”

It is clear that Imperium’s leaders seek nothing but wealth and power. You can kiss your operation goodbye. But wait, I’m sure they’d ever so generously allow you to join their ranks. Why not just work for them?

“This will be a trickle down effect, explorers to find the minerals, miners to extract, transports to move, and military to protect”

Yes that’s right. Say goodbye to becoming an independent captain. But don’t worry, some of your hard earned credits might ‘trickle down’ on you. As if we don’t know what that means.

It would appear the verse has become a fascist dystopia before it has even begun. Someone has to stand up to this evil power, it might as well be us. I’m not saying this will be easy, hell the odds against us are flat out dismal. But that’s what makes us big damn heroes. If you’re a coward on the other hand, then go check out Imperium, I hear they’re collecting them.

It is important to note that we are not downright declaring war on Imperium. If we did that, we would be no better than them. Imperium has a right to exist just as much as anyone else. The right they don’t have is their obvious plan for continuous territorial expansion and their monopoly of influence over the direction of the game. These are things that should belong to everyone. Remember that mining operation you had which fell into Imperium’s clutches? Well that’s where we come in. We will protect any innocent citizen that comes under the attack of Imperium. Will we win the battle? No, probably not. But we’ll damn sure make them pay for what they stole.

Aside from defending the verse from Imperium, we will conduct usual protection and bounty hunting jobs as a means of keeping our skills sharp and as a source of credits.


The main rule is to remember this is a game, and for fun. Our strife with Imperium is only meant for lore and role playing. It isn’t real, so any real harassment to any of their members (or anyone at all really) will not be tolerated.

The leadership of this org is NOT looking to get rich off of it. There will be NO payments required to be in this organization.

We fully intend to have a hanger bay for our organization with community ships to use. Credits to buy these ships will come from my own pocket and from donations by members.

To move up ranks in the org donating will help a lot, but that won’t take you all the way. Loyalty, skill, and activity level will all be important factors.

We are generally against pirates, but that doesn’t mean we can’t create a truce (Especially if their primary target is Imperium).

You are allowed to simultaneously be in just about any other group aside, of course, Imperium. Therefor we will require you to make all you org memberships visible.

You are allowed to leave and join the org anytime you want. (However if you leave from an advanced rank it’s not guaranteed you’ll get it back)