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Dust of The Grave Chantry / THEGRAVE

  • Faith
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Social

Welcome all, to the ‘Verse’s repository of forgotten people, places, things, and knowledge in general. Stay as long as you like, and do let us know if we can help you with anything. Fellowship with The Grave is free, we ask only that you help those who have lost what they seek, to find it.


  • The Dust of The Grave Cartwright began as a library containing the knowledge of building seafaring ships, long before the age of space. These ships were deemed unfit for sea, replaced by a better model, heretical in nature, or just scrapped and forgotten about. It was repository of knowledge in printed form. As time passed, books, scrolls, and the like passed with it, and time rendered them all forgotten, to all save The Grave. Like so much in our society: things, ideals, and even people are cast aside on a whim, to be forgotten, trampled into the dust of the crowded cities we walk.
  • This is where the The Grave steps in. To dust off the fallen, the forgotten, and secreted; to bring them back to to the light of the stars and help them be part of the world that cast them aside.


The Doctrine of Dust

  • Leave not that which has fallen, to the wayside and the ravages of time.
  • For that which is truly forgotten, can never again be truly known.
  • To this end, lift up that which you find, in the catacombs,
  • In the dark places, and the forgotten paths,
  • Lift up that which you find, so that light may once again shine upon it,
  • For even should it never be allowed to foster, lest it fester,
  • In the hearts and minds of those who are exposed to its noxious filth,
  • It should be known for what it is, so as to be avoided properly.
  • For how can one avoid that, which one does not know is dangerous?
  • This is the Doctrine of Dust
  • While all things return to the dust from whence they came,
  • Let us preserve that which we can,
  • For as long as we can,
  • Shai’tan


The Dust of The Grave Cartwright consists of only seven rules, but also a handful of helpful guidelines.

The rules are as follows.

1) Your actions represent us, even if only indirectly. As such, conduct yourself in a manner befitting a respectable adult when possible, a stern adult when needed, and a graceful adult regardless.

2) Do not engage in griefing, pad ramming, stream sniping / friend sniping, or player hunting. PvP is fine, doubly so if agreed upon, and if not, then it is seen as part of the game, however, an unwarranted hostile action taken against a player repeatedly, even if only due to opportunity, will be seen as a violation of this rule.

3) This Organization merits itself as a neutral party to which others can come to resolve their issues through mediation. This does not always mean peace. Do not needlessly aggress members of Organizations we are currently working with to mediate disputes. If they are the aggressor, please inform myself or an Officer so we can look into the matter.

4) Have fun, but not at others expense, especially not outside the game environment.

5) Openly hostile, illegal, game-breaking, or intolerable behavior is not acceptable. If you have a problem with another member, or a member of a mediated party, bring it up with an Officer or myself so it can be resolved.

6) We will be intolerant of intolerance. Racism, bigotry, harassment (sexual or otherwise), will result in review of your actions, and likely permanent removal from the Organization.

7) Librarians and myself have the final say. You can plead your case respectfully. It does not mean the outcome will change. If you have an issue, bring it up with a Librarian or myself, so use cases can become handled with normativity.

The guidelines are as follows.

1) Be kind, courteous, respectful, and tactful to your fellow citizens. If you do not know what any or some of these words mean, please ask other members or feel free to look them up.

2) Do not aggress your fellow citizens. If we receive reports of harassment about a member of this fellowship, their status as a member may come under review with sufficient evidence.

3) While no fees are due from any member, outside of agreed upon practices, it is appreciated if older members would help out newer members where possible. To this end, if you give or loan any amount to a new member, please send our Chantress the amount so it can be tracked. People found to be taking advantage of a charitable nature will be subject to review regarding membership.

4) It is generally helpful to roleplay within the fellowship when possible, but this is not enforced.

5) Fellowship activities are not limited to the group’s primary and secondary functions. Provided the activity is not generally considered aggressive to other citizens, it has the potential to become an activity. In fact, our primary role will be to act as a neutral third party where possible to resolve conflicts, prevent wars (the destruction of knowledge), and hopefully, achieve favorable compromises for everyone involved.

  • Until such a time as you accept these conditions, you will be limited in the Organization. If you do not accept them, for any reason, you are free to bring up your reasoning with myself or a Librarian, who will discuss it further with you privately. If you have not accepted these conditions within a month, you will be removed from the Organization.