Interstellar Management Corps / THEIMC

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Active Playerbase – Regular Events and Training – Discord and Guilded Required –


“Without victory, there can be no survival” – Admiral Bishop

UEE Admiral Bishop’s speech after the Battle of Vega II in the year 2945 came at a time of desperation. Previously human occupied systems were falling at alarming rates to Vanduul attacks. Fear had become the currency of the empire, and UEE Security was consolidated to the inner systems. The government sold entire planets to Corporations, sacrificing human rights to fund the war effort. Refugees fled across the stars.

The few bastions of humanity that chose to remain in so-called “red systems”, those considered lost or abandoned by the Empire, stood their ground and banded together into what is now known as the IMC.

As skirmishes raged with the Vanduul, an ex-UEE marine by the name of Noran Varuch rose to fame as a war hero winning key battles despite overwhelming odds. Noran had learned from the Vanduul hit and run tactics, and adapted his previous Marine training to form an effective group of rapid-response warriors who became known as “Helljumpers”. When Vanduul raids loomed, Helljumper dropships quickly followed.

People found refuge amongst Noran’s ranks, and he quickly gained access to vast resources as well as a great fleet of ships and equipment. Battles moved from the surface into space, where ace pilots known as “Jaegers” outmatched the Vanduul through sheer skill and experience. The financial engine that kept the movement running became known as Stanton Dynamics, running high risk cargo between torpedoes and blockades.

Tragedy struck when Noran Varuch was lost in battle, but the movement continued to gain momentum and spread throughout the systems. By the end of the war, the organization had adopted the “IMC” name. Interstellar Management Corps. Operating independently from the UEE, it remains a force in the Verse to this day and upholds the values of Freedom, Independence, Security, and Prosperity. Glory to the IMC!

YOU are invited to join the Corps! Fill out an application and we will contact you!


Our Goal

The Interstellar Management Corps is looking to make the universe a safer and friendlier place to live even if that means force must be used. We trade to create our own economy and help those in need who need it. We do not believe in the current government the UEE in governing the citizens of the stars. We believe in one goal and thats to spread liberty and prosperity to citizens across the universe who live under threat from pirates, dictators and terrorists.

How we implement it

We travel across the stars with our fleet going to citizens in need. Anywhere we are called we come to help. With our massive fleet of fighters, bombers and gunships we bring liberty and prosperity to those who live oppressed. If the universe is to be peaceful we must prepare for war against those who will disrupt that.



  • Must have Star Citizen
  • Must be Age 18+
  • Must have Discord
  • Must follow leadership
  • Must stay in a semi serious attitude during events


  • Respect IMC members at all times
  • No memes outside of memes-nsfw on discord
  • No inappropriate content (NSFW) in this organization. For clarification — contact an admin
  • No trolling while playing in-game or in voice channels
  • Be respectful to all players in and out of game